I don't get it though why go after them out of all people. I mean common now we all know William was the one who had a girl he fell in love with one that was married to the enemy for that fact.

I'll kill him I don't care if it's the last thing I do. All of them, Johnathon have it coming for him.

"I could get that done for you" he threw his hand up in the ear then hissed

"They done fucked my arms up, oh shit I forgot to ask but how's Kahlil. I asked the doctor and she sad she couldn't tell me anything I'm really worried about him" everyone in the room turned to look at me

Sebastian, Camden and Sam all watched with hopeful eyes. I didn't let them hope for to long as I put on a stoic mask. That told them everything but I don't think they knew how bad it was.

"He's brain dead" I said nonchalantly

I was mad, angry I didn't stay home. Now I lost a brother and I couldn't even think straight. I mean so far I was doing well for someone who lost a loved one but it's the shock I'm feeling like all of this is a dream I'll wake up too.

Feeling like my brother would appear and be alright. Then again I am in the mafia but I'm in shock. Shocked that it's my own brother.

That I lost him and I'm certain I lost Serenity too. The way she looked dazed out. It was like she wasn't there she just vanished yet her body is still there.

"I-if I would've been faster he would've been here" Sam said lowly but loud enough to where I heard it

"Sam don't blame yourself" I said my fist balled up "you did nothing wrong. All that matter is that you called us. As mad as I am just know I'm not mad at yo ass" I said

"Shit he just came back too, we didn't even get to bond with him" Seb said

"We did get cursed out from him that's the most bonding he ever did with us" we laughed

It was a mourning moment but that sentence about Kahlil bought back the times he'll curse us out. When we showed up at his house or just simply talking to much and the best one was when he was leaving.

"Damn, how Serenity taking it?" I sighed passing my hands through my hair

"She's taking it bad, really bad"


When I first heard Kahlil was brain dead it took some time to register then I broke down. My heart ached with pain, I felt like I was burning in a pit of fire.

He was gone and the thing I hated the most was the connection I still felt it yet he wasn't here he was gone.

Once your brain dead you can't come back your deemed dead. That's what hurt the most. My head hurt from all the crying I did then I just stopped. I felt numb.

Of course I was sad but I just couldn't feel anything it was all too much for me. Way too much.

In all honesty I wanted to die I didn't want to be here. My soul can't live without him.

The connection was too deep and it was affecting my mind. The fact that he wasn't with me, wasn't hugging me, telling me things would be alright. The fact that I would never hear those words or get to tell him I love him.

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