Chapter 5..

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Evi pov.

Ben: hey.

Evi: Hi. Let's talk over there.

Ben: i just wanted to say im sorry for everything. I know it's kinda weird hearing me say this but im sorry for everything when i saw you on the floor having a anxiety attack...i just... it made me realise how I've been to you

Evi: what about Devi?

Ben: yeah no im not apologizing to her, have you ate yet?

Evi: yeah, why?

Ben: just asking, i got you a box of doughnuts i dont really know What's your favourite so here i bought all the favours.

{ laughs}


Mom: No laughing.

Evi: Mom!

Ben: I'm  so sorry about your polio, Doctor Vishwakumar.

Mom: what?

Evi: welk, thanks for the apology, and the box of doughnuts im gonna have to hide them away from Kamala and Devi. If we're cool, we should totally hang out soon?

Ben: i dont see a promble with that.  Well uh...I'll see you at school.

Devi: What was that?

Evi: Nothing, stop being Nosy.

Devi: are those doughnuts? Can i have one?

Evi: No! There mine.

Devi: Please!

Devi: Please Eeeeeviiii!

That night Evi knew what to finally write in her journal


Outside the house

Fab: how many likes so far?

Devi: only two.  One from Eleanors dad and another

El: makes sense his trying to get one my good side so I'll be nice to my stepmom. Not gonna happen Sharon.  You're  basic.

Evi: what about Paxton? He must've  of liked it.

Devi: what about Ben? He must've liked it.

EL: I sense something is wrong what happened?

Devi: oh she didn't tell you? Ben came. Last night.

Fab: why?

Devi: He gave Evi a box of doughnuts and apologized for how he treated her but not me.

Fab: Are you guys like dating?

El: why did he give you a box of doughnuts?

Evi: cause he helped and saved me...

Devi: saved you?

Evi: yeah i had an anxiety attack..

El: i thought you said they stopped .

Evi: i thought so to but whatever I'll be fine let's talk about Paxton and Devi.

Fab: wait i dont see you guys talk that much at school.

Evi: is he just using you as a sexy sidepiece and ignoring you in public?

Fab: that's disgusting.

Devi: right the sex. No our relationship is rock soild. Dont sweat it.

Fab: Has he introduced you to his friends?

Devi: No but...

Fab: that tool! He's ashamed of you.

Evi: glad someone said it.

Devi: i dont know if ashamed is the right word for it.

Evi: oh believe us. He's ashamed.

Fab: that's why i hate all men.

El: well, except for your boyfriend, Alex Gomez.

Fab: yeah, no,. Alex Gomez. I love that little guy. He's so important to me.

El: Devi if Paxton doesn't acknowledge you. I swear to you i will wreck him. I took semesters in stage combat.

Mom: your three minutes are up!

Devi: bye guys.

Evi: see ya.

Okay so im tired but hey two chapters im proud of myself..
Maybe Ben and Evi are gonna date maybe not i don't know.........


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