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I dont usually tell people about the fact that I tried to end my life in many different ways pills cutting jumping but Alexis helped me she saved my life who would have thought my brother would marry her and I would be her maid of honor. Time skip to the funeral "ducky I need your help with something" u ask the duckman "yes my dear" he says kind of questioning "I need u to cremate my brother but give the casket to the guys that will put it in the ground its one of Sam's last wishes to have my mother cry over and empty casket while I spread his ashes in the ocean" I say shyly "of course my dear" ducky says almost understandly we caught the bad guy it was some ex I dated back in the day the funeral was nice real marine like but that's what Sam was the team came for support my mom was glad that Tony came I'm not that mad at him anymore cause my mom finally owned up to cheating on my dad and they a got a divorce we go to the beach and spread his ashes seeing my old friends is nice there was 8 of us that stick together on the base me lexi Kate lexis older sister Emily jj Myra Lilly and Jax one of our last days they bring up ripper Tony knows ripper the racer of atvs what he doesn't know that ripper was just and alias for me they bring them out "Hey ripper ready to kick some ass" em says to me I roll my eyes not been called ripper in years even though i got it tattooed on me why ripper idk its something the girls started calling me after I tore up half the base on a atv "ripper like the atv rider" tony questions "yeah ripper" em says in her yeah dumbass voice I hop on and Gibbs hops on with me "ready" I say with a devilish smirk hitting only prettier by mirnda lambert "yes ripper" he says with a smirk Tony's mouth goes wide and shift into 3rd gear and take off no helmets and flip flops me v. ziva ziva has Abby on the back of her atv going to the starting line jj comes over with her scarf like they do in real races and signals us to go we tear off shifting into 5th "hold on Gibbs" I scream over the music as only prettier keeps playing its my song to ride to taking the sharp turns 12 laps we have to do and I'm already done with one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 lqps later and lap left to do I floor it well push my finger down as far as the gas can go making the tires skid as we turn and 12 is done raising my hands as I go over the finish line "hells yeah ripper still got it" I scream as Gibbs gets off laughing and I do a back flip off "how dod u go so fast with someone on the back" z questions "all 8 of us rode on one once in 5th gear in the dirt going pretty damn fast without helmets" we lived dangerously still do how none of us deid I have no idea the shit we did sleeping with most the guys on the base riding without helment and no shoes with me my brothers and the girls on the atv how we all are dead that a mystery I'm still working on hell that's how we learned how to drive barefoot in the field in a junky ass car with holes in the floor without seat belts "do urember that time that 5 star came and asked for a ride" Kate said dying "oh ripper gave him more than one ride" Myra pipes in "shut it u forst 5 star I ever did thinking about it and same goes for u girls too" u say back "I only ever did derek" lexi says back "true but u to ogled over each other for years we just did it and got away with it" lily says back "what did u girls do with all that high brass any ways when u were done with them" mark chimes in "never talked to them again not unless they were good then we shared them" jj says with a dirty smirk these girls were going to get u into trouble "that's why they called us trouble trouble who da fuck they doesn't matay" Emily says lord been a long time since we've been called that Tony looks stunned that all of us in our teenage years was just do guys Tim looks petrified Gibbs just has a smirk z is nodding with Abby and palmer and ducky look a little disgusted

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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