chapter three

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"i swear to god if this is what it's like all the fucking time, i'm moving out!" he screams further.

"sorry toms..." i say quietly, hopping off of the counter and hanging my head.

i walk out of the room, leaving the two alone to put away the shopping. i decided that i wanted to stream, as i hadn't in a couple days.

i went into my bedroom, seeing my bed still made and started up my stream, only to notice that my mouse had disappeared.

"yo! jack, tom, have either of you seen my mouse? i was gonna stream but it's not there!" i shout down the hall.

"have you checked to see if it has fallen off the desk?" jack shouts back.

i quickly look on the floor, it isn't there.

"still can't find it!" i call, making my way back into the kitchen.

"maybe call george? he was here when the lockdown lifted, he could know where it went." jack says, smiling.

"ok, i'll call him now," i say, returning the smile and gave jack a quick peck on the cheek, before leaving the room again.

i walked through the hallway again, back to my bedroom, before calling my brother.

"hi! umm, quick question," i start.

"hey, what's up?" george replies.

"do you know where my mouse is by any chance? i just went to stream and i can't find it."

"yeah, actually, i do!" he replies, laughing his head off.

"what? what's so funny?" i ask him.

"you know how, when i was at your place the other day, i asked if you and jack were dating, and you said 'no'?" he starts, still laughing.

"yeah?" i reply, hesitantly.

"well, as a little test, to see if you actually were or not, i took your mouse and moved it..."


"i put your mouse on your bed, under your duvet covers."

"i don't get it..."

"if you were sleeping in your own bed and moving the covers, you would have found your mouse already. so tell me,  y/n, who's bed have you been sleeping in if not your own?" george continues, a smug grin on his face.

"uh- "

"go and get your mouse and start stream, idiot. i'll talk to you after you end." he chuckles, before ending the call.

oh shit-

i walk over to my bed and just as george said, my mouse was under my duvet.

fucking hell-

i quickly walk back into the kitchen.

"george knows," i say.

"what do you mean 'george knows'? what did you do?" jack says, ending in a chuckle.

"ok, maybe it isn't as bad as i thought to begin with, but he's my brother so- "

"y/n, explain how he knows," jack interrupted with another small chuckle.

"well, he knew where my mouse was."

"and where was it, y/n?" he says, still chuckling.

maybe i am making a big deal out of this when i don't need to...

"he moved it, onto my bed..."

"which you haven't used since he was here," jack finished.

"why wouldn't she have used her own- " tommy began, a strong look of realisation hitting him, "nevermind..."

we all laugh at tommy's comment, before i go back into my room to stream.

after streaming for about an hour and a half, i end it and call back george.

"ok, so, we are together but like, nothing like that has happened and won't happen, not for a while at least, sorry for not telling you." i quickly rambled, before he had the chance to speak to me.

"it's alright," he chuckles. "i just wanted to ask, are you comfortable with like, the fans and everyone knowing that you're my sister? cause i mean, everyone that was at your party already knows and so do dream and sapnap, but that's it."

"why don't we just keep it to ourselves, and the people who already know because of circumstance?" i began, "i just really don't want people to assume that i got where i am now because of you, you know?"

"i get it, and that's perfectly alright with me, y/n." he says calmly, a smile evident in his tone.

i realise after re-reading this chapter that there is a part that seems just baaddddd lmao, it's not meant in that way, it's meant in the sense that they are/have been sleeping in jack's bed. sleeping, nothing more lol.
thanks for reading <3


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