chapter two

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"guys talk about these things lulla, don't be surprised if tubs and ran figure it out really fucking quickly either." tommy explains to me.

"tubs and ran finding out...that's gonna be as hectic as mother fucking hell."

we both laugh, turning back to the food on the table and tucking in.

not too long after, jack re-enters the flat with shopping bags in his arms.

"need any help?" i call.

"sure!" he shouts back, clearly struggling to carry then.

i get off of the sofa and walk towards jack, taking a few bags from him and taking them into the kitchen.
once we enter the kitchen, i turn toward jack, knowing that tommy could no longer hear us.

"tommy knows," i state.

"already? i thought it'd take him at least a little longer to figure it out..."

"it's cool though, he did say that tubs and ran will figure it out easily though."

"what else did he say...?" jack asks me very wearily.

"oh, only that you've liked me for a while and you were being a pussy for not asking me out any sooner and that you're a dickhead."


"don't worry, he didn't actually call you a dickhead or a pussy for that matter, but he basically did." i admit.

"oh really?" he begins, raising his eyebrows, lowering his voice a bit and moving closer to me, "so you're lying to me now?"

"i wouldn't say that...more like... bending the truth, just a little bit." i say, trying to get more of a reaction off him.

"mhm, and what would you call this?" he said in the same low tone and stepping even closer, before putting his hand on the back of my head and pulling me in.

he closed the gap rather quickly but instead of the kiss being gentle and soft like normal, it was almost aggressive and needy.
he picked me up, me wrapping my legs around his waist and guided me over to the counter, placing me on top of it, not breaking the kiss.
we carry on like this for a while, desperation filling the air, neither of us wanting to stop.
and then...

"oh for fuck sake man!" i hear tommy scream from the entrance to the kitchen.

"uh- "

"i swear to god if this is what it's like all the fucking time, i'm moving out!" he screams further.

"sorry toms..." i say quietly, hopping off of the counter and hanging my head.

i walk out of the room, leaving the two alone to put away the shopping. i decided that i wanted to stream, as i hadn't in a couple days.

i know this is super short, but i have writers block and am not entirely sure on how i want this story to go, but remember to go and check out my new au story 'the lost sword' about the smp, as i have some pre-written chapters for that and i know what i'm aiming for, for this one.
anyways, i appreciate the reads, i'm not quite sure when i'll update this one again.
thanks for reading <3


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