chapter one

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(i can't be arsed to name each chapter a different and specific name for this book, so y'all get the boring 'chapter .....' as each chapter title lol)

i walk into the living room after waking up and am greeted by my favourite breakfast foods on the coffee table in the centre.

"why did you make this?" i ask with a laugh.

"because i wanted to?" he replies.

me and jack had been living in the apartment together for a grand total of four weeks now, basically a month.
it was really nice living together, we'd normally take it in turns to cook for each day, today was my day to cook, but apparently not anymore.
tommy would be joining us in a week, it was delayed due to a country wide lockdown that had been lifted two days ago. around three weeks after, we would all then move into the house we'd bought, with tubbo and ranboo.

"jack, you know, you don't have to do shit like this, right?" i say.

"but i want to," he replies with a pout.


"what did you do?" i ask, knowingly.

"i've got no idea what you're on about."


"ok, ok...tommy isn't joining us in a week..." jack says slowly.


"he'll be here in- "

a knock at the door interrupts him.

jack. what the fuck did you do?

i walk over to the door and open it, greeted with a tall blonde boy and a shit ton of bags.

"oh for fucks sake." i say, jokingly rolling my eyes at the boy infront of me.

"hey!" he exclaims.

"i'm guessing this is what you were telling me, jack?" i say.

"yeah..." jack responds.

"well, are you gonna just stand there, or are you gonna let me in?" tommy says with a loud laugh.

i roll my eyes, pick up some of his bags and lead him inside. i lead him toward the spare room and put his bags that i had picked up, down at the base of his bed.

"thanks, y/n." tommy says, before placing down the rest of the bags that he had a hold of.

"no problem, toms."

we walk back out and into the living room.

"so, tommy, how are you?" i ask, not knowing what else to say.

"i'm good? you little weirdo." he replies.

"ok, just because i'm 5'4, doesn't mean you get to call me 'little' or 'short', ok?"

"ok," he chuckles.

"yeah, don't get on the wrong side of her, you'll never see the end of it."

"jack. i will fucking kill you." i deadpan, letting a smile appear soon after.

"ok, maybe not murder me, yeah?" jack says with a laugh.

"we'll see," i say, a smirk plastered on my face.

tommy gives us a look, then takes a seat on the sofa.

"is it alright if i have some of this?" he asks, pointing at the food on the table.

"of course, i'm not sure why jack made so much."

jack chuckles before saying, "i didn't know how annoyed you'd be by an early tommy arrival!"

"now, why would i ever be annoyed by an earlier than expected tommy arrival?"

"because it's tommy," he answers, making us all chuckle more and more.

"you know, this is just innit slander."

jack and i burst out laughing, with tommy having a fake offended look on his face.

"anyways, i've gotta go and get some stuff from the shop, i'll be back in a bit." jack says, standing up from his seat on the sofa and walking behind it.

he gives me a peck on the cheek, making me blush, causing him to smirk as he walks out of the flat.

"what was that?" tommy asks quickly.


"what was that? the kiss on the cheek? the fucking blush from you?" he says again.


"ahh, that makes sense."

"what makes sense?"

"he finally did it then?"

"did what, dumbass? you're being cryptic as hell right now." i say bluntly.

"he finally asked you out."

"uh- yeah? how- "

"guys talk about these things lulla, don't be surprised if tubs and ran figure it out really fucking quickly either." tommy explains to me.

"tubs and ran finding out...that's gonna be as hectic as mother fucking hell."

we both laugh, turning back to the food on the table and tucking in.

eyyyyyy! first chapter of the sequel!
oh and also, i'd love it if you'd check out my dream smp x oc book that i've written, it's called 'the lost sword' and the first three chapters of it are already up, so if you want to read that, it's there for ya🙃 so, yeah...
thanks for reading <3


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