Change of Plans

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He didn't deserve me leaving him on Saturday morning, after our Friday night, either, but it's too late to change that now. All I can do is try my best to make up for it.

Oh, and of course there's Jimin too. I still wish that there'd be an alternative to outright rejecting him, because rejecting him means hurting him, and I've done that enough already. Kissing Jimin on Friday was my mistake – so how is it fair that he's the one who's gonna get hurt?

'It's good that you're trying to sort things out with him', Mom had assured me, 'but don't let him get between you and San.' Maybe just this once, I should listen to her, although she doesn't even know about the first time I turned Jimin down, which makes it about twice as bad.

'Wooyoung isn't dumb', was Doyoung's comment on that, ''course he will.'

Dad had nodded and told me that he's never seen me in love before, so I should definitely try anything and everything in order to show San that I truly love him.

Of course I had to intervene there, because I know that I like San a fucking lot; more than any other person I know – but... loving San? Real love? I don't think so... Not yet, at least. Although I can picture it frighteningly clearly how I might come to love San over time if he lets me.

God, I just wanna get this all over with. Talk to Jimin, reject him, apologize; apologize to San and confess that I like him. I just want to ask him out and spend the next few days desperately racking my brain for cute, awesome, unique ideas for our first date.

My trip to Busan has only brought me to two realizations. First: I need to visit my family more often. And second: their advice is shit, because I've already been aware of everything they've told me, so nothing of it was the solution my problems.

I sigh, and then I blink. Yeosang is staring at me, a bewildered expression on his face. Then his lips lift into one of the most timid and awkward smiles I have ever seen on him. "Hello to you too, Wooyoung."

"Hi", I say. "So. I've talked to him."

"Okay..." Yeosang takes a step back. "Come on in. And... just so you know... you don't need to be so nervous about talking to me. Sorry."

I stare at him. "For what?"

"I guess I could've been a bit less... harsh on Monday. It wasn't my business after all."

"I'm glad you called me out on it", I reply, slowly following him through the corridor and into the studio. The room is impressively big and neatly organized, although Hongjoong and Seonghwa aren't present like I assumed they would be. "Jimin deserved an apology."

Yeosang hums. "Okay... I'm not sorry then?", he states, arching an eyebrow.

I shrug. "Whatever."

"I was joking. I am sorry."

If I thought that Yeosang was awkward before, this is multiple dimensions further into the awkward-verse. His cheeks have turned a bright tomato-red.

Yeosang reaches up to scratch his neck, then he clears his throat loudly while shutting the door behind me. "So, where in your apology to Jimin did you fuck up?"

Placing my shoes next to the door, I flinch from the unexpected question. "... I'll tell you another time, okay?" Preferably at a time when I've solved all of it – God, please let me solve this mess quickly.

Yeosang shrugs, although he looks the slightest bit disappointed. "Fair enough."

"Where are Seonghwa and Hongjoong?", I want to know, looking around once more. The studio is huge, high windows along one wall, another wall covered in high mirrors – this place screams upper-class. It must've cost a fortune. Who is paying for this? Hongjoong's parents? Or Hongjoong himself? - No, no way. He's still a student after all.

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