Pretty okay day

123 7 10

4: Song that makes you sad

boulevard of broken dreams- green day

I had band rehearsal for 7 hours then a hour long performance. Then when I got back to school we had 20 minutes left so we just sat In the band room. I kept untieing Huskies shoes so she got mad and pressure pointed my wrist (it hurt a lot).

Then at the same time I tried to write on my wrist but my friends boyfriend hit the pen while I clicked it and it hit my eye. (I have a bump now)

Then a guy named Joey was annoying Huskie so my friends Abbi hit his hand away and she hit me in the same eye.

It was all fun and games and I'm not mad. :p

But Huskie dug her nails into her palms. (It kinda freaked me out, I hate when my friends do that.)

So that was my day.

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