Chapter 6.

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The second day at Cackle's went by rather quickly. The student's were on their best behaviour following the multiple detentions that the third year's Potions class had received the day before. The student's involved were told to report to the Potions classroom at the end of the day, where Snape and HB would be waiting to tell them what their detention would consist of.

It was on the way to detention that the day got interesting. Harry, Mildred, Hermione, Maud, Ron and Enid; who had become quite the sextet, were walking along the corridor when Draco and Ethel came barreling around the corner. This resulted in Draco crashing straight into Harry, who tumbled straight to the floor with Draco landing directly on top of him.

'Oi, Slim Shady. Watch where you're going,' said Enid.

'You know, your insult would work better if we even knew what a "Slim Shady" was,' said Ethel.

'He's a famous American candy wrapper,' said ron confidently.

'He's a what?' Said Maud.

'No, Ron. That's not what I said. I said he's also Emin-'  started Hermione.

'Yeah. I know, Hermione. And Eminem's are a candy. Remember, Harry brought some to The Burrow last summer? Although, I don't know why he became the wrapper. Did he transfigure himself?' Replied Ron, completely baffled.

Hermione rolled her eyes. 'Just forget it.'

'Draco, we've been lying on the floor for five minutes now and you still haven't mov-. Are you sniffing my hair?' Asked Harry, in a shocked voice.

Draco, who had indeed been sniffing Harry's hair, immediately jumped up. As his face flushed red, he spat out, 'What? No! Of course not, Potter. As if I'd ever lower myself to sniff the hair of the likes of you. I'm a pureblood and a bit more refined than that... Wait, did you just call me Draco?'

'You totally just sniffed my hair Malfoy. Do you like my shampoo? It's Elderflower and Sandalwoo-. Of course not! I called you Malfoy, like I always do, Malfoy,' said Harry, embarrassed by his slip up.

'See. I called you Malfoy like three times in that sentence alone,' he spoke up again.

'I think they're gonna kiss,' whispered Enid.

'Are they always like this?' asked Maud.

'They're kinda cute,' added Mildred.

'I think I'm gonna be sick,' muttered Ethel, as she turned green.

'Welcome to our world,' chorused Ron and Hermione.

Harry and Draco, who's argument had started to heat up at this point, now had their wands out and pointed at each other.

Harry raised his wand. 'Expelliar-'

'Seriously, Potter. You need to learn a new spell. You can't just live your life using one spell,' sneered Draco.

'He actually has a valid point, Harry,' said Ron uncomfortably.

While Harry was distracted by what he viewed as a betrayal from his best friend, Draco had taken the opportunity to cast his own spell at him. 'Serpentsortia,' he shouted.

Mildred, who had noticed Draco pointing his wand at Harry, had quickly jumped in front of him, pushing him roughly out of the way and attempting her own spell. 'One and all will be agog, turn this wizard into a frog.'

The magic from both students collided in the air, causing sparks to appear. There was a loud bang and a billow of smoke, causing everyone in the hallway to cough and splutter violently.

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