Tears of desperation fell from your (e/c) eyes as you sobbed, looking at the mess you made. Then, you looked at yourself in the mirror, your red and puffy eyes with tear-stained cheeks. Your hair was a mess and your heart was broken. Your soul felt empty as if you were on the verge of falling to an abysm and no-one was there to pull you back. No-one cared as you screamed for someone to pull you back. But this time, it was too much for you.


With you still wearing your robes, you exited the Slytherin common room and ran along the empty corridors. It was already past curfew so there were no curious eyes looking at you as you ran.

You ran and ran until you arrived at the top of the astronomy tower. Your watery eyes landed on the railing as you approached it. The cold breeze hit you on the face, making your hair fly behind you but you couldn't care less about the weather as you stepped over the railing, now facing the dark night in front of you with only the full moon to illuminate the place.

The tears never stopped flowing and as you looked down to the abysm, a salty and crystalline tear fell from your chin, losing itself in the infinite darkness.

And taking a deep breath, you wanted to admire the night before falling into what you thought would be peace.


Severus was grading papers in his classroom as he did every other night. "Stupid dunderheads" he muttered to himself as his quill danced angrily over the parchment he was currently grading.

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps was heard outside the classroom, making the Potions Master glance up at his closed door. He had completely forgotten about what happened earlier that day outside the Slytherin common room as he was now super busy with his work.

Severus knitted his eyebrows together as he noticed it was already past curfew and the person who owned those footsteps was clearly a student.

With a sigh, he stood up from his chair and walked towards the door, opening it, he only saw a glimpse of (h/c) hair along with some Slytherin robes. He immediately knew it was you as he recognised your beautiful hair anywhere.

Severus decided to follow you, wanting to know what you were up to. He followed you at a prudent distance, not wanting to scare you. He saw you when you climbed up the stairs of the astronomy tower and he followed you softly.

His eyes widened slightly when he saw you on the other side of the railing "You just have to let go, (y/n)... just let go." you said to yourself as you cried more, not wanting to leave this world that night but not finding another solution to your problems.

"Don't do it." Severus said from behind you making you turn around, your watery eyes met his onyx ones and for once, you saw true concern in his orbs.

"Don't come any closer." you said. He held his hands in the air, showing you that he didn't have his wand with him, which was true as he realized he left it in his classroom in the middle of the way to the astronomy tower.

"It's okay, (y/n)." you were surprised when he called you by your first name, but Severus thought it was the best so as for you to not think he was just there doing his duty as a teacher but because he cared.

"No, it's not." you said before you sobbed, looking back at the night sky, closing your eyes and letting more tears out of your eyes. Severus took this opportunity to take a few steps forward, now just being a few feet away from you.

Your hands gripped the railing so hard your knuckles were white "Come on, give me your hand. You don't want to do this." he said, extending his large hand towards you.

Fixing your eyes at him, you noticed that in that moment, he wasn't your professor but someone who saw you in your distress, someone who was there for you, someone who cared.

You looked at him with teary eyes, for the first time you saw concern in Professor Snape's eyes and with a trembling hand, you positioned your left hand in his right one.

Severus sighed inwardly when you took his hand as he was scared that you might jump and he would lose you too.

"That 's it. It's alright, (y/n). It 's okay now." he said. You smiled softly at his words, as you were now facing him but you were still on the other side of the railing. "You are not alone, (y/n). You have me, okay? Always."

Warm spread across your heart at Severus' words, noticing how he cared for you brought new tears to your eyes but you held them back, not wanting to cry more.

You smiled slightly and to your surprise, Severus smiled too. It was a tiny smile but it made you want to get back on the tower "Come on." he said softly.

You nodded and put one foot on the next step of the railing to get back to the safe side of the iron railing, but you stepped over your robe, making you lose your balance and falling on the deep depths of the night that surrounded the castle.

The only thing that was preventing you from falling to your death was Severus' hand that was tightly gripping yours.

You screamed in fear when you slept as for the first time in your whole life, you were truly and utterly scared "I've got you, come on, (y/n)." he said. Severus started to pull you up while you also pulled yourself up with your other hand.

Your hand that was holding onto the railing slept against your will, making you scream one more time while Severus held you with both hands "Help me! Please! Please, help me!"

Shock began to take control of you, not allowing you to completely concentrate. The Potions Master saw your panicked state and he said "Listen to me, listen to me!," you stopped screaming and looked him in the eyes "I've got you. I won't let go. Now pull yourself up, come on, (y/n)!"

You started to climb back again while he also pulled you up "That's it, that's right. You can do it." he said as you were half way over the railing.

Once you were standing in your initial position, Severus grabbed you by the waist, securing you in his strong arms. You had your arms around his neck as you were still afraid you were going to fall.

He walked backwards still embracing you, pulling you with him back to the tower. When your legs were back on safe ground, the both of you collapsed on the floor. You were covering your face with your hands as you sobbed into them.

Severus looked over at you, scanning you with his dark eyes, making sure you had no injuries, which he was glad when he found none. "Don't you ever try that again." he tried to sound stern but at the sound of your gut-wrenching sobs, the cold professor melted in sympathy for you.

You were sitting on the floor, still crying in your hands. Severus' heart shattered at your distressed state so he decided to comfort you in a way foreign for both of you. His arms engulfed you in a tight hug, that only made you cry harder.

"Shhh, shhh, it's alright. You are safe now." he whispered. Normally, you would get surprised at how soft Professor Snape was but right now, when you were still in shock and you could've died a couple of minutes ago, you welcomed the embrace as it was just what you needed at the moment.

When you calmed down, you separated from him and looked into his eyes, you said, still sniffling a little "Thank you." in an unconscious move, he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. "You are welcome, (y/n)."

You smiled slightly, you liked it when he called you by your first name.

Severus vowed in that moment to himself that he was going to tell you about his feelings, not now as it wouldn't be appropriate but one day he would pour his heart to you. He was ready to fight for you as he wasn't prepared for letting you go anytime soon.

2060 words

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