Mother of Dragons

Start from the beginning

You've been there countless times so you didn't get lost.

You walked around ten minutes, every step you took made you go deeper and deeper into the forest, suddenly, you heard a roar from a distance and your eyes widened before picking up your pace, now running through the forest, lifting your robes with one hand as the other held the serviette.

Then you arrived at a clearing, only to be faced by a black dragon circling in the clearing. It turned to look at you and it roared forcefully but you didn't even flinch. Little did you know that Severus was hiding behind some bushes and his eyes went wide when the dragon didn't attack you. "That is no way of greeting me, Nerverm." you said to the gigantic beast in front of you.

You held a straight face but then, the dragon, who's name was Nerverm made a whining sound and put it head on the ground, looking up at you with its big blue eyes "That's better." you said as you showed him the serviette with food. Casting a simple spell over it, you placed it on the ground in front of you and the big dragon started to eat from the endless food you brought him.

Once Nerverm was satisfied, you casted another spell and the napkin disappeared. You sat cross legged on the floor as the dragon put its head on your lap. With delicate movements, you started to massage its head.

Suddenly, the sound of a branch breaking made Nerverm stand up, he had his wings sprawled, ready to attack. You also stood up from your sitting position and with your wand held tightly, you said "Who's there?" But there was no response "Show yourself or the dragon'll attack!" you shouted.

Then, a dark figure emerged from the forest before they stepped into the light and you saw the man you had grown to love "Severus, what are you doing here?" you asked, lowering your wand at him but his eyes were glued to the dragon standing behind you.

Nerverm started to shake its wings, making strong wind surround you both. The dragon felt threatened by the presence of the Potions Master but before it could do something severe, you held your hands in the air and shouted "It's okay! Nerverm, Severus is a friend. He will not harm you!"

Then, you held out your hand towards Severus, gesturing to him to take it. Gladly, he did but he never took his eyes off of the black beast. The dragon seemed to understand that the man dressed in all black meant no harm and it calmed at your shouts.

You never let go of Severus' hand as you started to approach the dragon, who had steam coming out of its nose "It's okay. It's okay, Nerverm. I promise it's all fine." you said in a low voice.

And after taking a couple of steps towards the dragon, you were finally touching it again. The steam stopped coming out of its nose and it closed its icy blue eyes. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "Come on, you can touch it now." you said to Severus but you didn't give him time to say something as you pressed his large hand on the dragon's nose, your hand was on top of his but neither of you seemed to mind.

A slight blush painted your cheeks when he didn't retrieve his hand back, then Nerverm opened its eyes and it glanced down at you and Severus.

The moment was too perfect to last as suddenly, thousands of smaller dragons started to circle around you three. You recognised this as Ice Dragons. These creatures only sought territory and blood, not caring if they killed other dragons in the process.

You and Severus pulled your wands out to defend yourselves. "Expelliarmus!" he casted "Reducto!" you said "Petrificus Totalus." he said. More and more spells were casted by the both of you but then, blue fire was directed towards the both of you by one of the Ice Dragons.

Severus pulled you into his arms and shielded you with his body but he was surprised when the fire hit niether of you as your loyal dragon had put its wing between you two and the fire.

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