"Duncan's giving me the Come Here look," said Inna. "He probably wants me to take photos of him in his new Eze Gear bow tie."

"Mnem." The familiar voice was clipped.

Mnem smiled at her boss, Phoebe Lawson. "Good evening."

"This is an invitation only event. It's not for employees." Phoebe, dressed in an elegant but understated Safiyaa gown, stretched her red-lipsticked mouth into a wide phony smile.

Mnem mimicked Phoebe's false grin. "I came with a friend."

Phoebe gave Inna, Axie, and Naret a cursory once-over. Politician, no. Celebrity, no. Glitterati, no. "Is that right?" Disdain dripped from her lips like curdled milk.

"Phoebe." Miguel came forward and gave Phoebe two air-cheek kisses. "You already know Mnem, my good friend." He handed Mnem a vodka with a twist of lime. "So I'll introduce you to Naret," said Miguel. "This amazing polyglot has single-handedly straightened out RICA's Asian division."

Phoebe shook Naret's hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And this is Inna, Duncan Eze's..." Miguel glanced at Inna. "girlfriend?"

Inna beamed. "Girlfriend and Eze Gear's social media director."

"Duncan Eze's girlfriend? Welcome. Welcome." Phoebe's sour milk tone became milkshake sweet and thick.

Axie stuck out her hand. "I'm Axie Khan. I'm here with Professor Azam. I'm his research assistant."

"Amir's divine, isn't he?" Phoebe purred. "Does he have you translating ancient engravings of some undecipherable language?"

"Quite a few," said Axie.

"Oh dear, how tedious. I know Amir," Phoebe lifted her eyes to the ceiling, "and he's quite the perfectionist. The museum is fortunate to have him."

Axie nodded, hoped Phoebe would go away. She despised patronizing women.

Phoebe turned about. "Mnem, darling, you simply must forgive my earlier comment."

"What comment was that?" Miguel directed his question to Mnem.

"Phoebe thought I crashed the gala with my friends."

"Crashed?" Phoebe tittered. "Oh no, I thought you did not realize it was invitation only."

Miguel, the consummate politician, was gracious. "An easy mistake. Tell me, Phoebe, how is construction on the new conservation room coming along?"

Phoebe brightened. "We're all very eager for them to finish." She had no trouble speaking for the entire museum board.

Mnem's skin tingled. The conservation room. That might explain why she couldn't sense a few of the art's ancient vibrations. The art was too restored. "Where's the new conservation room?"

Phoebe smiled. A real smile this time. A I Didn't Realize You Dated The Senator smile. "In the basement."

"I'd love to see it." Mnem almost cooed.

Phoebe's eyes knit together. "Um..." Her eyes darted around the room.

"I'd love to see it as well," said Miguel.

"Well," she drawled, "I suppose the board would be upset if I denied the senator who assures our funding."

"Don't disregard protocols on my account." A thin sliver of pity sliced Miguel's otherwise understanding tone.

Phoebe heard it. Bristled inwardly. She was not just some lowly museum educator and docent program supervisor. She had friends—good friends—on the board. "This would be a private tour you understand. I'll have to get the keys. Maybe in an hour or so?"

"My lips are sealed," Miguel purred like a content panther.

Phoebe blushed. "Well...um...if you'll excuse me, I must greet the mayor and his wife." She glanced at the four ex-goddesses, her eyes resting on Inna. "I would love to meet Duncan Eze. I'm a huge fan. Perhaps..."

"I'd be happy to introduce you." Inna's serene face revealed nothing but graciousness. Her insides, however, stiffened with disdain. "I don't like that woman," she said when Phoebe was out of earshot. "I want to smack that haughty smirk off her collagen and Botox face."

Miguel swallowed his laughter by clearing his throat. "Mnem, do you mind if I steal you away from your friends for a bit? There's a few people I'd like you to meet."

Mnem gave a quick nod. She did need to meet the right people. As long as the right people offered her a better paying job.

Naret watched them merge into the throng of designer gowns and tuxedos. "They make a beautiful couple. Does Mnem have feelings for him?"

Axie wrinkled her nose. "Feelings? Mortal love feelings?"

"She does, but she doesn't know it." Inna loosened her grip on her champagne flute.

"Or refuses to," said Axie.

Inna stepped closer to Axie and Naret. "It's horrible. It makes me feel vulnerable."

"You're in love with Duncan?" Axie's eyes widened.

Inna winced. "You say that like I have a choice. I don't. This mortal love swoops in and takes over your body and brain."

Axie grit her teeth. "Sounds horrible, and being mortal makes me feel vulnerable enough." She sidled close to Inna and Naret, drew them in. "I don't believe Professor Azam's story about his wife being ill. I think—"

"Axtis, my goddess translator, there you are." Professor Amir Azam came forward, his hungry eyes roving up and down Axie's hourglass figure. "Who are these gorgeous women?" Amir's voice was a husky rumble, his clichéd question swoon worthy.

"These are old friends." Axie made the introductions.

"Axie's always so formal and proper." Amir tossed Axie a heart melting grin. "Please, call me Amir."

Naret and Inna shared a glance. They knew that look. The professor was smitten. In love and in lust. He had it bad. They weren't surprised. Goddesses had that effect on mortals. Ex-goddesses apparently still glowed with charisma.

When would that start to fade?


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