unresolved feelings ― 4.1

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"Hey, Inasa!" You jog to catch up with the tall boy, who's sitting near the campfire with Camie at his side.

"Hi, Camie," you smile at both of them.

"Oh, Y/N!" Inasa sounds surprised. "What's up?''

''I need some of your help," you say exasperatedly. "Can I talk to you for a sec?''

''Uh, yeah...sure," he gives Camie a smile before getting up from his seat, walking off with you.

"So, what's up?" He asks once you're out of ear range. You're sitting on a pair of rocks, leaves brushing at your side from the bushes, but you don't mind.

"So, Monoma and I were given the final challenge," and the boy nods, his face taking a more serious expression.

"But we're...not sure how to handle it," you admit , looking down at your clasped hands. "We need information- textbooks, articles, all those types of things. I was wondering..." You look at him from your side-eye, trying to guess his expression. "Do you know where I can find these type of things in the camp?''

Inasa stares at the grass, unusually silent. He sighs, before nodding. ''Yeah. You could say our camp is an alternative school, during the school year, we do take classes like a normal high school, so we do have a library," but then he purses his lips. "It's usually closed during the summer, but I think I can get Monoma and you in.''

''Really?" Your eyes widen in surprise. "You can do that?"

"Yeah! Definitely," and he gives you a cheerful grin.

"That's great," you nodded to yourself, feeling your heart lighter. "Thank you so much, Inasa. When do you think you could do it? The last challenge is tomorrow."

"Ahh, I see," he pressed his hands to his chin, looking deep in thought. "I can sneak you in for tonight. I'll be outside your cabin at nine. Does that sound good?''

You smiled, nodding. ''That would be great. Thanks, Inasa."

He smiled in response, but didn't meet your eyes. "That's what friends are for, right?" And then you remembered your years with Monoma, and the words he hurled at you yesterday.

With a strained smile on your lips, you nodded. "That's right..."

« ⋅✠⋅ »

After spending the night in the library with Monoma- which was extremely awkward; mood so tense and thick you could've sliced through it with a knife- you found yourself getting ready for the third challenge, patting down your clothes for the day. Nothing happened last night; no apologies, no confessions- nothing. Monoma barely met your eyes most of the time, and didn't speak if it wasn't necessary. The change of attitude made you shiver, but you decided to not comment on it.

"Y/N! It's almost ten, you should get going," Uraraka called from the cabin's bathroom, and you sighed.

"Right. Thanks, Uraraka. I'll get going now," and you opened the cabin's door, quickly walking towards the pier of the camp. Not surprisingly, both of your teachers were already there, along with the two boys from Shiketsu. Your stomach twisted when you realized Monoma wasn't there. Did he ditch you?

It made your heart skip a beat, but you shook your head and walked towards the teachers and the campers, hoping that Monoma would show up soon.

"Good morning," you gave them a smile, but then quickly averted your attention to the camp's open area. Some campers were sitting by the campfire, a few others entering and leaving the cafeteria. Monoma was nowhere to be seen.

of rivals & summer love |  monoma x f!readerWhere stories live. Discover now