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I have seen that you guys asked for more and I'm glad you guys like it so much, today I've seen that we hit over 1,24k thank you so much i can't describe my happines with words, i started whriting not long ago this is my dream, I tought i would never make it to this thank you so much again i love every single one of you.
Sending loves <3


I saw a colourful poster.It catched my eye.


,,Yes honey?"

,,What is that?"

,,What?" She stops walking,looking at me in the eye.

,,That." I point with my finger at the poster.

,,Oh, that is poster from a circus, it looks like they are going to have an advent in the town, do you wanna go?"

,,Oh, yes, yes please mommy!"

,,Sure honey,"-she crouches down and hugs me ,, everything for you my little sweatheart."  she goes of me.

,,Yay!" I could not wait.

,,C'mon let's go!" She goes up and hold my left heand.

We were on a street caled Hacksaw ridge it was a very familiar name, it's like i've heard it somwhere before.I was very excited to go in circus.

,,Here, darling." She smiled at me.

,,Wow" I could see clowns, horses, zebras, monkeys they were all so cute, i could just imagine them in the circus.


,,Yes, momy?"

,,Could you please wait here, i am going to get us some tickets?"

,,Okay." There were a lot of people around me i couln't see where mommy go but she said to me to wait here for her so i will.I looked at the clowns next to me there were talking to eachother.There were 3 clowns, they all had red noses and face full of makeup.

,,Well hello there?" One of the clowns was talking to me.


It crouches down ,,What are you doing here all alone little girl?"

,,I am waiting for my mom,she is buying tickets now."

,,Show, we gotta start the show, where are the clowns?" A mens voice calling for clowns.

,,Look, we gotta go now.You stay here, wait for your mom, okay?"

,,Mhm." I was scared for mommy i couldn't see her anywhere there were to many people.

No perspective

Mia was looking for her mom, she didn't listen to her, she couldn't stay anymore so she started looking for her.She was only a small child she tried and tried but couldn't se her mom anywhere.She screamed mommy, mommy but nobody camed therefore the show started wich means that everybody was inside the tent watching the show.She was so scared her mommy wasn't outside.She was already crying but she was thinking maybe her mommy left on the Hacksaw ridge street so she dicidet to go there and look for her momy.She runed while wind sharped goes by her sides of her face.There she was standing right there by the poster that they were minutes ago.

,,Hi there,what are you doing here alone?" A mans voice talked to Mia.

She frezed by the time that she realized that was not her mommy.,,You are not my mommy,where is my mommy?" She said in afear that she losted her mom.

,,I don't know where your mommy is, how about we go and look out where your mommy is, hm?" He raised his hand to mia.

,,My mommy said that is souldn't talk to strangers." She was right but she would do anything to help find her mommy.

,,But i am not a stranger, i am your mommy's friend from work we know eachother for years so what do you say, shall we go now?"

,,Okay." She could see him smile, he was an older man between 46 and 52 years.She was so scared but brave to look out for her mom.

They were going inside someones house Mia was very worried where were they going, she wasn't in someones house like this.The guy told her to get comfortable she wanted to go but something told her to stay and that maybe he will help her to look out for her mom.He told her to go check in his room for her mom but he locked her and him in his bedroom and unfortunately by that time

she was only six...


I am so sorry ifsomethimg like this happend to anyone ik how hard it is to be woman and that we get sexualized soo much so please stay safe <3 and btw this was the longest chapter ever.💚

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