Chapter 8: Confrontation

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No ones Point of view

Yuna rushed toward the shower room, just to see a stoned Chaeryeong

"Chaeryeong-ah, Yah." Yuna tapped Chaeryeong's shoulder making the stoned girl flinched

"It's okay... you should take a bath. I'll talk to Her." Yuna handed the spare clothes to Chaeryeong

A week of School shouldn't be this bad, why the heck all the bad lucks goes to Chaeryeong without any warning

Yuna made sure Chaeryeong got into the shower room...

And she couldn't deny the fact that the latter is crying by the sound of sobs and sniffs she been hearing

"I should go talk to her."


Okay, the talk that Yuna said was never this violent

She literally slammed Ryujin on her locker

"Can you be more kind?!" She burst out earning a glare from Ryujin

Ryujin use her force to push yuna who was pinning her in the locker

"Why do you sound like you care for her?" Ryujin said it calmly hut with venom in every word she speak

"Come on Ryujin, you're the one who hug her first! You can't just said that! You can deny it. but think of any proper words to say!!" Yuna created a scene that made everyone look at the twins

"I said it. Its not like i can take it back. And she didn't even deny the fact that i was in rumored with her Dating!" Ryujin raised her voice a bit

"She looked like she like the way we just got into rumors! You see her eyes? Huh?! Its full of admiration when she look at me! That's why i have to deny the rumors in the way i can!-" Ryujin added making Yuna land a fist on her face

"You were supposed to talk to her about it! You know what you caused?! You just made her insecure!!! You see how your bitch fans treat her!?! Ha! As if they're any beauty compared to Chaeryeong!" Yuna look down on Ryujin who landed on the tiles

"Yah!!" Winter and Yeji Arrive together with the others

Winter pulled Ryujin up and stop her because she was about to attack Yuna

While Yeji get in between raising her hand in Yuna's Stomach level pushing her away from Ryujin

"Let me go! I'm not done yet!" Yuna tried to resist but got stopped by yeji instead

"What do you think you're doing Yuna?!" Winter who let go of Ryujin suddenly get in between Yeji and Yuna

"You're not supposed to fight in situation like this! You know what Uncle could do to you!" Winter Held both of Yuna's shoulder

"What could do?" Ryujin join the conversation

Yeji stopped Ryujin from stepping more close to her twin

"Ryujin.. let's not-YAH!!" before Yeji could stop Ryujin

The latter already got her revenge by giving Yuna also a Punch on The face..

"YAH YAH RYUJ!" Winter pushed Ryujin away

"Are you suddenly blaming dad because he beat you up?! Come on Yuna! We both know that why he do that because of your Pathetic personality!" Ryujin tried resisting

Camera flashes and some students exclaimed already betting who will win between the twins

"Yah You could've known better! Huh! You thought i've been acting weird?! Well Screw you for suddenly blaming everything on me!" Yuna stood up

"Oh yeah?! Then tell me why the fuck she died in front of your eyes when you could literally stop her?!" Ryujin Finally spill what was happen years ago

Yuna was taken back.....

"Yuna..." Yujin, who just arrived after her practice held yuna's Wrist

"Ryujin you know you can't just cross the lines like that!" Yeji was the one who scolded the younger

"What i said is the Truth,Yiren could be still alive if it wasn't for her dumb mind!!" Ryujin became more angry

"Like you did something to save her from her insecurities." Yuna spit back

"What did you say?" Ryujin was challenging Yuna once again

"Ryuj could you please calm the freaking down?!" Yeji pulled Ryujin who was ready to attack Yuna

"How dare you say that to me?! She never open up to me-"

"Well that's why she died!!" Yuna has tears in her eyes

3 years of every genuine laugh and smile together, every tears that was shed and sweat that dropped they stood perfectly securing one another... but what happen when Love suddenly disappeared.....

"She loved you more than anything that she doesn't want you to see that she was breaking." Yuna added

"And the fact that what you're doing now was actually what you did back then, i want to wake you up and start realizing that insecurities aren't just normal mental condition. It can destroy you." Yuna was breathing heavily

"Don't turn the table and make me the bad one here! Yiren is different from  Lee Chaeryeong! I love Yiren and It had happened the fact that i missed her and i saw Chaeryeong!" Ryujin defend herself

"Then you should explain it that way to everyone. You shouldn't have told it to entire University that you're not interested in her. You could've said they misunderstood it." Yuna became calm

"And you ask me if, why do i look i care? Well because i do. And if what you're doing to her will break her then I won't allow you." Yuna said removing Yujin's hand on her wrist and winter's on her shoulder

"Why? Do you like her?" Ryujin asked it as if its the most pathetic thing could happen

But Shin Yuna doesn't give a Damn.

"What if i do? Its not even impossible now that you know I'm protective when it comes to her." Yuna said

"You don't deserve her. You don't deserve to be love." Ryujin let the words escape her heart

Even tho it happens many years ago, the pain and heart break of a lover that waited for her love to open up to her but suddenly finding out that she was already gone before she could even hug her.

She was happy with the relationship, Contended as she always said... but one thing for sure is that A happiest memory always came up with the destruction memory.

Every single details was living in her head spinning 24/7, she never thought that she was going to leave early.


Yuna was there, she could do something. She could stop her. She could talk to her and settle things. She can hug her and tell her its all right... she could. But she chose not to.

"She died... because of you."


The Book Of Romance: Love TriangleDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora