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Louist91: you wanted another cover from Harry and me

We chose to cover Friends by @teddysphotos, it's a great song. I don't know, who was the inspiration for that song?


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Teddysphotos: Thanks for singing my song, its one of favourites. Had quite some inspiration for it 

Username5: @teddysphotos no, thank YOU. You wrote some of the biggest Larry anthems: Little things, Friends, 18... 

Harrystyles: @username5 that's true, he wrote some songs about us 

Username3: @teddysphotos I need one confirmation, is Little Things about Larry 

Teddysphotos: @username3 yeah, Harry slipped me some of Louis' insecurities and I used them for the song 

Louist91: @teddysphotos thanks for exposing this on the internet, mate. I'll never live this down now 

Username2: @louist91 don't worry, many fans have the same insecurities, so its relatable for them, but also makes everyone cry... 

Username6: @username2 I mean in wmyb they say "You're insecure, don't know what for" and then they released Little Things and listed all the insecurities. I didn't want to be called out like that

Username1: all the manifesting really worked, we got a Larry collab :) 

Liampayne: @useraname1 you should do it all the time haha


A.N. Happy 11 years of One Direction

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