As the situation unfolded apparently there hadn't been any leads or nothing yet, even Naga Korra's polar bear-dog went missing yesterday. It was as if there wasn't a single trace of her left in the city. The group pondered for a while until Lin came up with an idea "My guess is the Equalists are hiding underground in the maze of tunnels beneath the city." "That would make sense since Asmai's father also had an underground tunnel" (Y/N) pondered while rubbing her chin.

Mako had an idea on where they would start and so the three younger ones ran ahead as the three older people stayed behind "Wherever Amon is keeping Korra, I bet that's where our officers are too." Lin said leaning against Tenzin's desk a little, (Y/N) with a small sigh nodded in agreement while looking to the floor "figures". The group was silent until Tenzin stood up from his chair and said with a determined look in his eye "We'll bring them all home, I promise."

The group boarded Tenzin's sky bison Oogie who was much more fun than Tenzin ever was and rode to an abandoned street, it was usually here crimes are committed or drugs were exchanged. Nobody liked going there. With a thump from the pure eight of himself Oogie landed on the cracked and destroyed road, only cracking it more. The now six of them jumped off and Mako pointed to a narrow road yelling "The truck that kidnapped Bolin took off down this alley." So following his lead they follow down to a three way intersection.

Bolin rubbed his chin as he sniffed the air mumbling about how the place smelt familiar, Lin of course had a better idea and used her seismic sense to check for any tunnels. Her armoured foot retracted to reveal her own as she stomped on the ground with much force, her eyes closing tightly as she did "There's a tunnel nearby" she pointed to the right intersection and so the group ran along the way.

Eventually the group slid down the side of a shallow but wide concrete trench, (Y/N) almost fell on her face but luckily Mako caught her by the collar "thanks eyebrows!" a warm smile passed her lips. They looked forward to a small area which had a concrete roof and there in front of them a metal gate "Hot dang, now doesn't this look like every stereotypical villain lair entrance" (Y/N) mumbled while looking down at Lin who had just noticed the motorcycle tracks that lead towards the gate.

Her silver haired girlfriend wasted no time in metalbending the gate up to let everyone inside, (Y/N) disarmed one of her hammers just in case someone were close by as Lin dropped the heavy barrier back down behind them. Now just noticing that the tunnel ahead was dark and eerie. Mako using his firebending was helpful since the dark was not one of the best things to be in if you're around a hostile base.

The patter of everyone's footsteps echoed through the tunnels and the group had come to a standstill, there were four separate tunnels they could head through and mr. leader of the group as getting all defensive about picking for the group. Even treating Asami a little hurtfully by yelling, (Y/N) felt sorry for her as they continued to walk through the damp and dark halls. Clearly Mako was a bit of a douche. But right now their focus was on saving Korra and their officers from the equalists, she squeezed the handle of her hammer tightly as she walked shoulder to shoulder with her girlfriend.

The air was tense and still, at least until the purring engines of equalist motorcycles were heard and bright lights shone behind them. Eyes dening (Y/N) whisper shouted "everyone hide!" The group rushed towards a large metal pillar, counseling them in the darkness as they watch the equalist motorcycles flip a switch to open a secret metal door in the wall, (Y/N) who pressed herself against Lin since there wasn't any space left on the wall felt her breath hitch for only a moment as realisation sunk in.

As the metal door closed with an ear bursting screech the group rushed towards the wall, once again Lin's metalbending would come in handy. Placing a single hand on the wall and feeling the workings of the door before one fluid motion unlocks the door and a metalbending kick sends it into an open position. Lin sprinted down the hall and (Y/N) motioned for the rest to follow. Once seeing a light the group slowed down pressing their backs to the wall, the room had Eqalist mechs and bikes stored around the place and many boxes scattered the floors.

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