Chapter 11

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Alex's hands trembled as he looked at Jace's unconscious body. "Do something!" Auria exclaimed. "What do you want me to do Auria? I'm not a healer!" Alex yelled as he looked at her, tears running down his face. "Then let me." Auria said as she knelt next to Jace. She held her palm to his wound and conjured a flame. "The fire will seal the wound, keep him from losing any more blood." She explained.

"Alex?" Tara's voice came from downstairs. "Alex, where are you?" She asked, her voice franctic. "We're up here!" He replied. "Stay there, we're coming up." She said. Moments later, Tara and two other men came soaring up from downstairs. "Oh my god, what happened?" She asked when she saw Jace on the floor. "I-he... We were fighting and h-he went down." Alex sobbed. Tara grabbed him and hugged him close. "Tara he's dying." Alex continued.

"Not if I have a say in it." She said as she let go of Alex. "Come on, we're getting him back to The Academy." She said to the two men who accompanied her. "Auria, can you take us back?" She asked. Auria nodded and the others gathered around her and Jace. She started chanting and a few moments later they were transported to the medical wing at The Academy.

The medical staff all looked in their direction, obviously alarmed at their sudden appearance. "Don't just stand there, do something!" Tara ordered when they all stood rooted to the spot. At that moment two medical personnel came running over to see an unconscious Jace on the floor. "Get him onto a bed." The one said. A few more people came over and picked him up, moving him onto a bed. "What happened?" He asked.

"We're not sure." Tara said. "There was a fight. We won, but Jace went down somehow. He had a puncture wound to his lower abdomen, I sealed the wound with fire to keep him from losing any more blood." Auria explained. "Good job young lady, you may have saved his life." The doctor explained. "Let's hope it was enough." He continued. "Now, if you'll all please leave. I have work to do." The doctor said. Tara took Alex by his arm and guided him out of the room. Once outside, Alex collapsed onto one of the nearby chairs. Sinking his head into his hands. Tara gave him a sympathetic look before leaving to follow the others.

Hours have passed and Alex had started pick at the dried blood on his hands. 'I caused this. He's dying and it's my fault.' He thought to himself. His face was blank, bearing no emotion whatsoever. "Hey, why don't we go get you cleaned up?" Tara's voice was soft and gentle as she knelt in front of Alex, taking his hands into hers. "Jace will be okay. He's a fighter." She continued. "Come, what do you say?" She stood up, waiting for Alex to follow. He simply stared at the floor before pulling his hands out of Tara's. "I'm staying here." He staded, his voice hoarse. "Alex, lets at least..."

"I'm staying here." He said again, this time looking up at Tara. She sighed in defeat and sat down next to him. "It's been hours. They should be done by now." Alex said as he stood up, heading for the doors. "Alex, wait." Tara started, only to be interrupted once again. "I am not leaving him to die alone Tara." Alex almost shouted as he shot around to look at het, tears welling up in his eyes once more. "If he is to die, he shall do so with me by his side." Tara nodded. "Okay. But let's go in together." She said and held out her hand for Alex to take. He looked at her hand before turning back to the doors and walking through them. Tara sighed, dropping her hand and following him through the doors.

"Mr. Black, I'm sorry but you can't..." one of the medical personell started, but stopped mid sentence when she noticed Tara shaking her head behind Alex, signaling that she shouldn't try and stop him. Alex made his way to Jace's bed. For the first few seconds he just stood there, looking at him. "He looks peaceful." Tara said. Alex scoffed. "He's fighting for his life Tara, there's nothing peaceful about it." He responded. Tara didn't know how to respond to this.

Alex reached his hand out and took Jace's hand into his, Jace's hand tightening around his as he did. Alex placed a kiss on his forehead. "Please come back to me." He whispered against his forehead. "We still have a wedding to plan." He stifled his tears as he pulled back. Alex heard footsteps coming their way and looked up to see the doctor heading their way.

"He's stable, Alex. He had some internal bleeding, but whatever caused the wounds seems to have missed any vital organs. He'll live." The doctor offered. "We patched him up as best we could, the rest is up to him." Alex nodded. "Thank you, when will he wake?" He asked. "We're not sure. Could be hours, could be another day or two. It's all up to him." The doctor explained. Tara took his hand in hers once more. "Want to go get cleaned up now? Then you can be nice and fresh for when he wakes up." She offered, her voice still soft and gentle. Alex looked at her and nodded. He gave a last look at Jace as they turned to leave, Tara's words echoing in his head. 'He looks so peaceful.'

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