Chapter 16:

140 9 1

This time for sure Jin-Woo will succeed.

He installed an app for language translation.

He even made sure it worked.



Ok twice.

[👀 👀]

Fine! I checked like a hundred times ok?! Are you done judging me people reading this?!

[Author-chan's arm enters her phone and slaps Jin-Woo. Yelling "Don't break the 4th wall you damn simp!" before going back to type even more embarrasing scenarios.]

Jin-Woo was ready to ask Mr. Woo out. And he will succeed this time.

Good morning!
Lovely day isn't it?

Yes it certainly is.

The perfect day to have a picnic in the park.

A little windy but the park near the station is always a good place to have a picnic.

Speaking of picnics...

This is it.

*Ich überlege, an einige lokale Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen zu spenden.
[Would you like to go on a picnic with me?"]

I think that's a great idea.


Yes. I see what you're trying to do.
And I think it's great that you're making the first move.

If I had known you would agree then I should have said it before.

Better late than never Mr. Sung.

Jin-Woo was in cloud 9. He never expected it to work out well. Thank you google play store for this magnificent app! As he was about to type in what time they should meet another text went through.

It's never too late start donating to charity. If you want I can give you a list of charities you can visit and donate too.

Jin-Woo can already feel the headache coming. Charity what? Visit what?

Where did he go wrong this time?

Please humor me for a sec Mr. Woo.
What did my message say?

That you were looking for some charities to donate too? Some of the hunters do it for show. But I can tell you truly want to help those poor people.

It's very noble of you to do that. I'm sure whichever you choose will help those people.

Here's the list of the all the charities nearby...

Jin-Woo stares at his phone as Mr. Woo babbles on about the charities in the city. Jin-Woo found this side of him adorable and was content by this turn of events.

And if later in the evening all of the chatities Mr. Woo gave him received an anonymous hefty donation. No one knew it came from him.


Author's Note:

* I'm thinking of donating to some local charities.

Next up is Russian!

I'm getting all teary eyed from the private messages! Sending love, hugs and kisses!

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