Chapter 9

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「Warning! This chapter has Dong-Su acting like a creep! But don't worry he'll have his karma.


When Jin-Chul woke up this morning. He had a hunch something bad might happen. Why? Well today was the day he has to pick up a brat.

An out for blood kind of brat.

He was thankful for the offers from his and other divisions. But he can handle this situation.

As the head of the Monitoring Division it was his duty to make sure things go smoothly behind the scenes.

Yes... Escorting someone is part of his duty.

'I have a bad feeling... Should I assign some officers "there"? Or at least some hunters off duty? Hm...'

He went with his instincts and cashed in favours from some people.

But when push comes to shove he'll fight the man himself.

(Later on Jin-Chul will wonder why he was so hell bent on protecting a certain hunter.)


All he wanted to do was sleep for a long long loooong time. Just enough to not look like a complete zombie.

But the universe hates him just as much as he hates the universe.

His phone rang repeatedly which was weird.

Jin-Ho should still be asleep as well. So it's not him.

Jin-Ah was at school and probably eating chicken at the moment. So not her either.

That only left...

Faster than lightning he grabs his phone and answers the call.


But to his dismay it wasn't Mr. Handsome.

"Oppa! Are you still in bed?!"

"Jin-Ah? Why are you call-"


Eardrums aching he obediently checks the time.

"It says 2 pm? If you just wanted to know the time you could have just, I don't know, check your phone?"

Jin-Ah could feel a vein pop in anger at her brother's lazy tone.

"You forgot about TODAY didn't you?!"

That quickly sobered him up.

"What's happeni-"

Jin-Ah cuts him off again.

"You're supposed to go to school today!"

Jin-Woo turned sharp like he was battling difficult opponent. (Or when he was fondly texting Mr. Woo).

"What time do I have to be there?"

"5 o clock!"

"I won't be late!"

"As expected of my brother! Call me once you get here!"

Jin-Woo runs to the bathroom and tries to fix his perfect "I just woke up" look to his "I'm a (sometimes) responsible older brother" look.

It didn't take him long for him to dress up. Grabbing his only clean shirt and sweatpants. 'Note to self, do the freaking laundry.' He looks... decent but looks at the mirror for a few seconds.

"Maybe I should dress better? I'm meeting my sister's teacher after all."

But the main problem is... he doesn't know what to wear. Him being a fervent slave of black shirts and comfortable pants. He doesn't really know anything outside of his sparse wardrobe.

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