I looked up waiting for him to finish.

"Dont let this love go to waste."


I cried and I cried and I cried. Up until the point where I was completly dried out from tears. Lucy stayed with me the past 3 days, comforting me. Buying me icecream, saying kind things to me- and to be honest, it really got to me.

I just really wanted someone to get all up in my face and yell at me for being a total idiot. For screwing up completly with Harry and making our relationship look like a pathetic joke.

I wanted to murder Mason. Who ever wants to help is free to join. I sank my face in my pillow and screamed in it. I felt Lucy's hand rub my back.

"It's alright, love." She said smoothly. But I let out a sad whimper.

"Harry used to call me 'love.'" I clenched my pillow harder, making my knuckles turn white. 

"Tif you're gonna have to get out of your bed eventually." Lucy said, slowly taking the covers off of me.

"No..." I said liflessly and crawled back under them. I heard Lucy sigh then plump back on my bed again. 

"Come on Tif, you have your final rehearsal today. Tomorrow is your first concert!" she tried puting excitement into her words but I knew it was forced. She was worried for me and I could tell. She knew singing was my new thing and this was the biggest gig I was probably ever going to get. I couldnt blow it.

"I know." I whispered sadly. "But I dont want to see Ha-" My voice stoped dead in its tracks. Just saying his name made me replay what happened 3 days ago with the reporters and magazine. 

The pain in his eyes.

I shuddered and sat up slowly. Lucy looked at me gracefully and gave me a warm hug. That was exactly what I needed. Although I knew it was nothing compared to Harry's warm embrace, it was much better than being alone in my bed. 

"Okay." I said flipping the covers off my bed. Lucy made a sour face and pinched her noice.

"Ugh, Tif!" she gagged a little. "When was the last time you took a shower?" My cheeks turned pink realizing I probably hadnt showered in the past 4 days. Ew.

With that I ran into the shower and breathed in the hot steam. Once I got out I picked up the clothes Lucy layed out on my bed. 

Skinny jeans, tight pink shirt and boots. I laughed to myself. I swapped the pink shirt for a oversized hoodie, the skinny jeans for baggy sweats and the boots for my black uggs. I didnt look over dressed but I didnt look under dressed. 


Once I was at the studio my whole body was numb. I was determinded not to look, speak or think about Harry at all during the rehearsal. Because I knew if I did it would just make me even sader than I already am. 

When I entered the main room where everybody was, I felt all eyes on me. And not necesarily warm, welcoming eyes. More like angry, infuriating eyes like I had just killed someone. 

I ignored them and walked to my group. Of course, they didnt speak to me. I felt like I was completly invisible. They talked, but they talked around me. I tried pitching in with ideas but they didnt even achknowledge them, so eventually I just stopped trying. 

I accidentally made the mistake and looked around for Harry, but he or any of his mates hadnt arrived yet. I could tell people were getting frustrated that they werent showing up because of all the pacing and murmuring. 

"Listen up everybody!" Yelled Andrew over the loud talking. Christie walked up to his side. Their faces full of concern. "We have bad news." 

They had us all gather around them and sit. "The concert that was suppose to take place has been put on hold until further notice."

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now