"That's my uncle Lorenzo" Gabriel whispered in my ear and I nodded my head snuggling against his chest, while watching Ava rip open her gifts along with Aubrey and Jayden. The high pitched screams coming from Ava were so high pitched that I winced slightly as she lifted up her new Monster High Dolls.


"Thank you Santa!" Ava said hugging the box and the eldest two quietly thanked Gaby and I for the gifts. They went to open nonna's gifts and their aunts and uncles also thanking them. I looked over at Gaby and she picked up Irene from the swing she was on.

"Ora gli adulti" Jayden said grabbing the two piles of gifts and separating them into five.

(Now the adults)

Jayden placed a medium and small sized box on Gaby's lap and one similar sized on my lap. Jayden then gave the rest to his aunt and uncle's and Gaby placed down Irene back in her swing and I was confused, I didn't know the kids had gotten us something.

"Gaby prima apri il tuo e poi puoi" Aubrey stated to the both of us and Gaby peeled off the wrapper, I watched her pull out a picture frame of us when we took the family photo. She then grabbed took out a photobook and as she looked through it, pictures of our family memories appeared even from when Gaby was giving birth that Jennie might have taken.

(Gaby open yours first and then you can)

"You guys! This is so freaking adorable... I love you!" Gaby stood up placing the gift beside her and pulled the kids into a hug. She sat back down and looked at my box quickly being taken from me and Gabriela replaced it with a smaller box.

"You can't open this in front of everyone" She smirked and I laughed opening up the box from her seeing the watch I've wanted for while but never had the chance to buy it myself. I gave her a quick kiss and the kids held the wrapped medium sized box. My aunt, uncle, and Dalvin opened their gifts which were mostly gift cards.

"I'm going to play with my new dolls" Ava said and Jayden and Aubrey stayed in the living room.

"Baby open that one" I told Gabriela and she smiled opening up the ring, placing it on her finger.

"Hai proposto!" Luna yelled and Gabriel nodded her head standing up.

(You proposed!)

"Luna mi hai quasi fatto venire un infarto, Gabriel perché non me l'hai detto?" Nonna said and I laughed.

(Luna you almost gave me a heart attack, Gabriel why didn't you tell me?)

"I wanted it to be a surprise" I told her and Gabriel showed nonna the ring next.

"Congrats nipote" I thanked my uncle.



"Where are we going now? I thought we we're going to spend another night here" I asked Gabriel seeing him zipping up our suitcases.

"We're going to the hotel that I booked for us" I nodded my head surprised he did.

"Yes this is also your Christmas gift... I love you" I laughed, and I turned around hearing someone knocking on the door behind us.

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