What happened?

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Akira's p.o.v.

After the show, an announcer guy came on stage and started talking about the newest animatronic!

"Welcome onto the stage, Solar!"


"She's so pretty!"

"She is so detailed!"

And more comments like that were made. A few hours later, while me and my friends were watching the show, a guy came up to us, and said my parents wanted us in a party room because they had a surprise for me! He led us there, and said our parents would be here soon. While waiting, all the food and running around caught up to us, and we fell asleep.

~~A few hours later~~

I woke up and there was blood...everywhere. I saw the main 4 animatronics, covers in blood as well...what happened to my friends?? Where are they?? Wait...I think..did he...oh. Oh my god. I- I saw him. I saw him kill them. He- He killed my friends and, and then me...oh my god what do I do?! And why am I so tall?? Did, did he put us inside the animatronics? Oh god. Mama! Papa! What if their looking for us?! What if the can't find us?!

A/N only thing I really had enough motivation to do...weird. Anyways, yeah more on this ig. Eh, I hope I have more motivation soon.

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