Chapter 6

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Scarlett quickly broke the other window before she started helping Ethan shoot Bela. The woman screamed in anger and surged forward with her sickle raised high to slash them. Ethan dodged and Bela turned quickly bringing her blade down and catching Scarlett across the face, in the same place as her scar, causing her to scream and fall back as blood blurred her vision.

  "Impertinent man! How dare you bare your teeth at us!" Bela screamed as she tried to attack Ethan again as Scarlett got back up and began shooting the woman in the head.

  "Go to hell!" Scarlett hissed as she kicked the woman back when she got to close, and they continued to fire at her. Scarlett could feel her weakening and called for Ethan to continue fighting.

  "I'm tired of fighting you! Why couldn't you be a good girl and let me kill him!" Bela screamed as she caught a hold of Scarlett and sank her teeth into the arm Scarlett had brought up to keep her from biting her neck. She shoved the bug woman off her and a chunk of skin went with her and stumbled back as blood flowed from her scar and her arm.

  "Mother was right, you do taste sweet." Bela said with a bloody grin before she frowned as she felt like she was burning from the inside.

  "Yeah, but you forgot what else she said. I was not to be fed on." Scarlett said with a grin of her own and Bela screamed in pain and targeted Ethan again and he shot her in the chest.

"I don't believe it... This can't be, not like this!" Bela yelled as her clothes and skin began to crystalize and she stood frozen with her sickle raised to strike and Scarlett felt her vanish from her senses as they watched the girl crumble, a small, crystalized torso in the center of the white crumbled chunks. Ethan sighed and picked up the torso, it was small enough to slip into his large jacket pocket, and he handed Scarlett the girls necklace she stored in her bag with the other sellable things.

  "You're bleeding pretty badly." Ethan said as he looked at her, her right eye close due to the blood leaking from the scar over it, the bridge of her nose and under the inner corner of her left eye. The wound on her arm had already closed and she waved away the bandages he held out to her.

  "It'll close eventually, the scar always takes a while to heal since it was given when I had been newly infected by a very formidable bioweapon. I just have to give it time." She said and he watched as the blood slowed to a slight oozing. They went through the door and into what looked to be a kitchen where they gained a bottle of Sangunis Virginis from a bucket of blood. They found another note about how they drained the blood of maids they sent to the cellar before moving on.

  They found themselves in a hallway and walked to the door after Scarlett broke open a locked drawer and received a wooden angel statue they could sell to the duke. They entered the door and were in  room with a locked door leading to the courtyard but didn't have the key yet. They went back out through the double doors and saw they were in the main hall and decided to go sell to the duke really quick to get more ammo and some med liquid for Ethan in case he needed it.

  "Oh my, Lady Midnight you're injured." The Duke said when they came through the door.

  "It's Kennedy actually but just call me Scarlett. I'll be fine it just needs time to heal." She corrected and he handed her a soft black cloth to wipe the blood from her face as she used a mirror, he let her use and was amazed to see that the blood and wiping didn't take off the makeup the Dimitrescu's had put on her.

  "Lady Dimitrescu only buys the best makeup for her and her daughters, so it isn't smudged or wiped away when they...feed." He said seeing her shock and she handed him the mirror back, but he told her to keep the cloth in case she needed it once more. She thanked him and they set about selling their items, he commented on the beauty of the crystal torso and gave then a nice amount of money they used to stock up on ammo.

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