Chapter 16

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"Good Luck? I really hate when people taunt me." Scarlett snarled when they saw the sign next to an enclosed wooden staircase. Ethan shrugged, these people seemed to do a lot of taunting and underestimating her, and he wouldn't be a part of that since he knew what she could do. After a moment they decided to take the path to the left and explore over there first after she told him the duke had marked a treasure that way.

  "A saw mill." Ethan said when they got the clearing and saw the large structure. Scarlett shrugged and they checked around the outside area finding a goat toy she shattered beneath the structure along with a few magnum bullets that someone had dropped. She handed them to Ethan so he could put them in his magnum, and they headed into the sawmill, taking the door through a gate at the side. She grabbed Ethan's wrist and lowly warned him that another of those giants was inside the large room they had stepped into.

  "Find cover, I'm going to sneak around and see if I can get the drop on him." She whispered and moved away from Ethan before he could stop her. She easily slipped between machinery and wooden supports, taking note of the barrels filled with explosive materials littered about the room, and saw the giant slamming its weapon down on something. She slipped silently up the stairs behind it and pulled her rifle and took aim before firing a shot into it's head making it roar and turn to try and find its attacker.

  As it neared the stairs, she had gone up she shot the explosive barrel below making it explode knocking the giant back so she could fire another round into it's head. It didn't stay stunned for long and decided to dismiss the stairs in favor of jumping to the top while she jumped down to the bottom, spun and fired her last rifle round into its head making it roar again. Ethan took shots at it, confusing it because it couldn't spot him, and Scarlett smirked. She pulled her magnum, opting to save Wesker's for later in case they ran into something stronger, and fired as she moved quickly.

  The giant roared in pain and anger as it leapt from the upper floor to try and slam his weapon onto her but at the last second, she jumped high, twisting in the air so she was facing the monster while in the air and shot before she landed perfectly in the large window, standing on the sill. This angered it more, but she could feel its strength waning. She slipped her magnum back into its holster and drew one of her regular guns, it was weak enough now that those would kill it efficiently enough. She caught sight of Ethan slipping from behind a large machine and grinned when they both fired into the monsters head, and it fell with a cry of pained rage before it's body crumbled leaving behind another large crystal axe.

  "Teamwork, always wins." Scarlett said dropping down from the window and high fiving Ethan before she hefted up the large axe placing it in the same position, she held the other one in.

  "I take it we're going back to the duke real quick?" Ethan asked with a slight smile, and she shrugged.

  "Yeah, after we finish going through this building." She said and he nodded, they went to the locked door where Ethan broke the locks so it would open. Once through they found fresh meat that Ethan took, wrapping it in the cloth the duke had given them, and a note. It explained that the duke was giving the person writing newspapers about the outside world even though Miranda had forbidden it. He said that it was one about a medicine company and the emblem was the same as the one on the giants chalice and on the cave walls.

  "Well, we found the treasure." Ethan said as he pulled a golden angel statuette out of an ornate box in the next hall before leaving the sawmill to make a quick trip back to the duke to sell the items and give him the meat. Scarlett bought what magnum ammo the duke had and filled her clip again before handing the last of the ammo to Ethan who loaded the revolver, so he had a full one. Once they got back to the stairs they headed up, killing a few Morocia that dropped inside before getting to the next area where she informed him there were several Lycans around.

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