Chapter 19

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Going through the door Scarlett warned him of enemies and they began to search the new area. They found a few Morocia were wandering around, and Scarlett killed them quickly and silently with her knife. They found a few handgun bullets that had been dropped by someone and used them to reload and collected the valuables from the dead enemies before continuing on. Scarlett yelped when a large shipping crate dropped down in front of them after they had gone up a set of stairs and walked along the walkway.

  "Not funny!" She hissed at Ethan who had laughed a little before the Soldat broke free of the container.

  "Two drills? Why?" Ethan asked annoyed with Heisenberg's newest creation, and they had to go back down into the larger room, so they'd have space to fight it. Scarlett informed him that the weak point was on it's back this time and she got it's attention allowing Ethan to shoot it from behind after they had split up. Once it died, they collected the large mechanical crystal heart they headed back up to where it had dropped in front of them to move forward.

  Ethan took care of the locked door and it slid open to reveal the previously unpowered room. He hit the button and lowered the walkway, and they went across. They went through the halls into another one when a two drill Soldat attacked, they couldn't really maneuver well since the hall was cramped. Scarlett ignored Ethan this time and used her ability to stop the Soldat before going past it and breaking its reactor causing it to explode and collected the heart.

  "Don't, I'm fine besides if I hadn't used it, we could have had an issue." Scarlett said when Ethan walked to her with a look of reprimand. She sighed and shook his head but didn't argue with her because he knew she was right. Scarlett frowned when she felt something stronger than the Soldat's or Morocia on the other side of the door Ethan was working on getting open. She warned him of what she felt but they had no other choice than to go through after it had slid open. When they stepped through the door closed behind them and they were knocked to the ground as the thing that had chase them earlier burst through the wall.

  "You again!?" Ethan yelled as he was recovering, Scarlett was already up and yanking him to his feet. There was no way they could fight it there since it was such a small room, so they needed to move quickly. They went left, down a hallway and under some fallen pipes before running up the stairs as the thing followed behind slowly. They got to the end of the hall and had to pull open a heavy metal door and slip through. Scarlett forced it closed after she came through and the thing hit the door right after denting it.

  "I don't think it can get through there." She mused as Ethan caught his breath before they walked out the other door to see they were a floor up. Scarlett was pleased to see that they could now bring the lift up to them which would bring the duke up.

  "Welcome, welcome! I'm glad to see the two of you are still in one piece." The Duke greeted when he came up and they stepped into the lift.

  "Do you happen to have any drinkable water?" Scarlett asked, it was hot in the factory, but she knew better than to take off the cloak she wore since they would likely end up outside again and she was thirsty. She grinned when the duke passed her a small canteen filled with water and drank a few mouthfuls before handing it to Ethan. They took a few minutes to sell the things they collected, Scarlett kept a hold of the metal cylinder she had picked up because it seemed like there was a part that went on it, and bought ammo.

  "Do you- can you tinker with all of my guns and make it to where he can't take them from me with his weird magneto power?" Scarlett asked and the duke pursed his lips in thought before holding his hands out and she handed him her pistols first and money. He worked on them for a few moments before handing them back to her, they didn't seem different, but they were a bit heavier. She hesitated before she handed him her magnums and he smiled softly, he could tell these guns meant something to her and worked quickly to give them back before taking the grenade launcher and rifle.

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