08 Blur

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Looking out the window, ______ found the sight of brilliant blue skies and rustling trees disturbing-- especially in the way it contrasted with her state of mind. The words of the demon resounded in her mind with every waking breath, threatening to drive her mad. What exactly had it meant by 'I never go back on a deal?' Who else was out to get her?

“It’s beautiful outside, isn’t it?” Dr. Sheppard said from behind her. She was sitting up in the hospital bed with her back turned to him, holding up her gown for modesty’s sake while he wrapped fresh gauze around her waist. When she didn’t answer, he sighed. “I know you hate being stuck in here. I’ll write a note to Personnel saying you are well enough to return to the office.”

“Thanks, Doc.” She said, closing her eyes and exhaling in an attempt to relax. Even though it had only been three days since she landed herself here, the idea of leaving was music to her ears.

“Could you lift up a little higher, love? I want to clean the cuts on your shoulder.” Dr. Sheppard said, reaching for the appropriate solution. She complied, shivering when the icy liquid touched her skin. 

The door to her room flew open. She turned her head, seeing Knox begin to march into the room. Her face flooded red.  

“Hey, ______! Look who tagged along--” Ronald trailed off, eyes hitting her. The moment he registered what he was looking at, he shrieked and spun on his heel as if he were the one who should be embarrassed. “SHIT! SORRY SORRY SORRY!”

Dr. Sheppard laughed, and if she wasn't holding up her clothing, she might’ve hit him. “Mr. Knox, would you mind allowing me to finish? You all can have ______ to yourselves in just a moment.”

“‘You all’?” She asked in horror. Sure enough, three more of her coworkers appeared in the doorway, immediately averting their gazes. Except Grell, of course. 

“Huh?” Grell frowned, looking at her chest shamelessly. “You should definitely invest in better brassieres, ______. It’ll add some much-needed volume.”

If he had said this in front of anyone other than the men she spent the majority of her time working with, she might not have been so mortified. 



When she finally got around to putting on some proper clothing, Dr. Sheppard let her visitors back in as he took his leave. While the color of her face was starting to return to normal, Ronald was still bright red. “Sorry about that, ______… I should’ve knocked.”

“Let’s just forget that ever happened.” ______ said. She turned to the one person in the room she was yet to formally meet.

He offered a handshake and winked. “I’m Eric Slingby. Pleasure to meet you.”

She smiled in recognition of the name, reaching out to accept it. “That’s right-- you have the graveyard shift with Alan.”

“Yep, someone has to do it.” Eric nodded to his partner. “Alan here told me all about you.”

“He did?” Ronald asked with a glare.

Alan wasn’t phased. “I really didn’t.”

“I heard you killed a demon." Eric said, impressed. “That’s insane.”

“Insane?” She asked. “It’s not expected of us?”

The general consensus told her that it wasn’t.

"You joking?" Ronald looked at her in disbelief. "None of us have taken it that far. Except for Eric-Senpai."

"I’ve had a few close calls.” Eric said. "I know William has killed a couple as well."

An Act of Death [William T. Spears x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now