"You know, I get pretty tired of these roadblocks." The demon told her in a calm manner.

A graceful look on his disgusting face, a smile that anyone would love to rip off.

"I also hate them. So would you mind-I don't know-giving up-?"

"The way you are now...Oh my. This is cute. Are you trying to redeem yourself for all those lost years?" He asked her curiously, already knowing the answer well enough.

"I wonder." She snapped sarcastically.

"Though...You are pretty nice bait."

"Considering you barely just broke off from Shinoa, I wonder how long you'll last with me."

"Well, seeing as you're quite emotional, I think I'll just use this to my advantage."

Shikama moved fast at her, his hand stretching out towards her heart, not giving her an inch of time to defend. His hand made it her heart, clenching it tightly as his other hand made it to the back of her head, caressing it soothingly. It scared her just how comforting it was to have his cold hands hold her so gingerly.

Not wanting to give in to the sweet release, she takes her hand and holds his arm, trying to force him out as she blocked off her mind to any desires he could possibly hold against her.

"You're going to get nothing out of me, demon." She growled.

"Your tone of voice says otherwise. Though you have no heartbeat, your tone always gives it away. Now, I won't let this drag on too long. I have to go see Mikaela and Yuu."

"I won't let you."

"Ah right, that's what you said back then too but I already know how this will end. You see, let me tell you a story. A story about how you aren't even supposed to be here, just to humor you." He spoke angelically.

He shifted his posture, cradling the annoyed Y/n in his arms, wings wrapped around them both as his hair danced behind him. Shikama's lovely eyes gazed down at her as his hand still lied in her heart, leaving her to hold his arm, trying to shut him out.

"As you may know, Mikaela is my child, my beloved angel that was taken away from me. You are more of an experiment that seemed to work so easily over the years...When I created Yuu, you two were inseparable. . ."

Now wasn't the time to be listening to the stupid angel, just for now, as a sad distraction for time, she thought. She couldn't believe everything, though in this twisted world she was quite close to just taking the explanation. At this point, she could believe she used to be an animal turned human. 

"Great. So...You're trying to say, if I were out of the balance, Yuu would go kaput and the cycle would start over again?"

"Something among those lines." He answered, caressing my face, "Want to know another secret?"

"No-Not really-" She sighed, shamefully enjoying his comfort.

"You died, every single time. You don't live ever. That is how you die." 

I shook my head, laughing.

"Bring it on, you big piece of shit," I smirked, "Try corrupting me. Tear me apart. Feed off my desires. I will always come back in the next to haunt you!"

After all this time, everyone was so close. Yuu had to get Mika. Guren had a plan and his sanity was coming back, he was going to still fight for this future and nothing sounded better than helping him. 

Every second counted. Being bait didn't matter. Shikama was the real enemy who kept repeating this process. This time, he would not succeed, he couldn't. Future generations couldn't keep doing this. 

Don't Forget (Guren Ichinose x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now