Once Jim and I saw the canal, we made our bikes jump. We had our hands up in the air and then put our hands in the handles as we landed safely. "Come on, Tobes!" We yelled as we waited for our scared friend

Jim and I then heard a voice calling out Jim's name, 'James...Lake.' We heard. We put our bikes down, not noticing that Toby went up and down. We walked near to whatever Jim's name was called. "Ha, how awesome are we? Awesome!" Toby shouted as we finally notice him, face on the floor

We kept walking to whatever called his name. We then see a pile of rocks, which is kind of weird because I've never seen these before. "Hey, Tobes. Did you hear that voice?" I whispered as we kept walking towards the pile

"What voice?" Toby asked before they said our names again

'James Lake.' Toby screamed as we all fell to the floor, startled. "That! That pile of rocks knows my name." Jim told Toby

"It's a pile of K-spar. Minerals don't talk." Toby replied as we began to dig through the pile, "There's got to be a walkie-talkie in here or something."

As we looked through the pile of rocks, I saw something glowing. I picked up the rock and saw a blue gem in the shape of a bow shooting an arrow. I turned my head to see that Jim found an amulet of some sort. "Huh. Looks like an amulet." Jim said as he analyzed it

I looked at the bow and arrow gem, "This one looked like a blue gemstone, shaped like a bow shooting an arrow." I told him

"Who's doing this? Come out, now!" Toby yelled while looking around the canal

"Hello. I'm listening." Jim said as we put them near our ears. Then we heard the school bell. We all scream, looking at the amulet then at each other.

"Final bell!" I screamed as I put the gemstone in my backpack

"We're so late our kids are going to have detention!" Toby yelled as we ran to our bikes

"Come on! Come on, Tobes. We can still make it!" Jim told us as we ride our bikes as fast as we could

"I'm right behind!" Toby yelled back


Julianne's POV

I rode my bike through town and saw people driving to work or walking to school. As I made it to school, I parked my bike and walked straight to my locker. I gathered up my things for my first period and made my way to the classroom.

I walked into the classroom and took my seat, "Well, well, well..." I heard a familiar masculine voice behind me, 'Oh boy... Here we go again.' "If it isn't Julianne Lake!"

I adjusted my glasses and turned around to see the most annoying boy I've ever met, Adam Barton. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a red jacket with a white shirt and blue pants. He's a self-conscious, immature, and attention-seeking jerk that gives me a migraine. He also takes pleasure in ruining someone's day when he gets the chance.

"What do you want now, Adam?" I asked with annoyance in my voice

He just stood there and gave me a flirtatious smirk, which made me want to throw up. "Well, I was thinking, if you would like to stop by my house after school." He asked while he put his hand on the table, leaning forward

Oh, right... I forgot to mention this creep has a huge crush on me because of my looks. Ever since Sophomore Year, he's been doing everything to make me go out with him. He even tries to manipulate me to be his girlfriend, which is super annoying! Let's say he's one of the reasons I'm looking forward to early graduation.

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