Chapter 22

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Chan pulled himself together, standing up before the puddle of Father's blood reached his knees. He walked around the body, willing himself not to look. If he looked, he would begin to feel guilty again which he knew he shouldn't be. Father put his friends through a hell they should have never had to endure. He deserved what he got.

    His chainsaw lay discarded where he once stood. As useful as it would have been to him if he could find more gas, carrying around that extra weight was bound to slow him down.

    He retraced Father's steps to the door he walked in through. Noting where it was, he went to open the garage door, curious to see if it led to a less detectable area of the Park's property. He pressed the button to open the door. The gears turned slightly, preparing to do their job before they stopped.

    The garage door had been welded to the wall, preventing the door from opening for anyone. Chan slammed his fist onto the button; saying that he was frustrated would be an understatement. The gears groaned, trying desperately to perform their job before giving up once more.

    Since there was no other option, Chan exited through the door Father had come through. He was greeted by, surprise, yet another dark hallway. His only source of light was the glow from red buttons scattered along the walls. Apparently they can afford a manor, but not their electric bills.

    After taking a few steps down the hallway, his foot caught on something laying on the ground, causing him to fall over. In the dim lighting, he felt around dumbly for what it might have been. Please don't be a person...a gun.

    Pleasantly surprised, Chan picked up the gun, examining it in the harsh, red glow from a cluster of buttons. It was a worn out shotgun, but it still seemed to be functional. Inside, there were four shotgun shells. He tucked it close to his side, deciding that he would only use it if necessary.

    "You lived?" The boy asked, sounding more angry than surprised. "He was supposed to kill you dammit! Well, it doesn't matter. I hope you enjoy what you find when you see your friends again."   

    Chan's heart began pounding harder than it had since he arrived. What had the boy done? He tried to keep his rage in check, knowing that the boy would be able to control him if he didn't.

    He sprinted through the hall, desperately looking for a way out. There were multiple doors between the red buttons, but he had a feeling that they all led to danger. He needed to find a way out and quickly. What had the boy done to them? Crash!

    Chan woke up in the entrance hall, his head pounding. He couldn't remember what he was doing before he got knocked out. He sat up, racking his mind for an explanation for why he was there. Right. The boy had done something to his friends and he was trying to find them before something hard hit the back of his head.

    The phone on the writing desk by the door began to ring. It might have been family business, or it could have been the police. He answered it, willing to take his chances.

    "Hello? Is this Mr. Chan speaking?" A little girl's voice asked. Great. Another kid.

    "Yes. And who are you?" Chan replied, glancing around the room for any signs of Mother or a creature.

    "I'm one of the twins. My name isn't important right now. I know where you're hiding your friends and I'll do my best to keep Mother away from them. However, in return, you need to grab something for me."

    "What might that be?" Chan questioned, growing suspicious of the girl's intentions.

    "Bring me the ingredients from the recipe on the table. It's the recipe for a serum that will turn us back to the way we used to be."

    "Why should I trust a little kid who's supposed to be dead?"   

    "You're right. You don't need to trust me and have every right not to. However, without trust, your time controlling your own body and your friends' humanity is running short. You saw what Hyunjin used to be and what Jisung has become. It's too late for me and my parents, but it's not too late for you and your friends. Bring the ingredients to the trailer out back if you want to rid yourself of the virus."

    That being said, the girl hung up leaving Chan alone with his thoughts. A serum? They could be saved? It all sounded too good to be true. He figured he should tell the others the news, but he was terrified to find out what had happened to them.

    Chan walked over to the table, locating a yellowing paper placed under a broken flower vase.

    You can find this all on the third floor.
- D-series arm
- D-series leg

    Third floor...arms and legs? The girl was trying to kill him.

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