Chapter 13

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The hallway seemed unnecessarily long for one that only held two rooms; Grandma's room and Mother and Father's room. Strange shadows cast on the walls in the dim lighting. Chan kept checking behind him, expecting an enemy to be following him.

    There was a scratched brown door at the end of the hallway. According to the map, it had to be Mother and Father's. The door opened just enough for one of the children to stick their hand though, beckoning for him to follow.

    "You're going the right way," The child said, disappearing into the room and leaving the door slightly ajar.

    He stood outside the door, weighing his options. The voice sounded like it belonged to one of the twins. They seemed to be the most trustworthy out of the family, but everything and everyone here could easily turn on him at any moment.

    "You can trust her. You can trust me too," A calm voice whispered in his ear. He looked around trying to locate who was talking to him without success. The voice sounded like a little boy. "Go into the room. One of the crests is in there. It shouldn't be too hard to find."

    Chan's body started moving against his will. He pushed the door open, entering the room and closing it slowly behind him. Felix had said something about a little boy talking to him and Changbin. The boy was not to be trusted, but he couldn't resist the urge to do whatever he asked.

    Mother and Father's room was huge. It didn't even look like a room to him. It seemed more like an apartment. He was greeted by a small table with nothing but a trophy of some kind on it. The words for whatever it had been were scratched away. Above the table was a portrait of the couple when they were younger.

    Past the entrance area, Chan was presented with two options. Go to the right which served as a long balcony, garden fencing was the only thing preventing someone from falling into the yard below. If he went to the right, he would most likely end up in their bedroom.

    He went to the right, wanting to avoid their bedroom if he could help it. He peered through the fence at the yard below. It was nighttime, the yard illuminated by a few scattered street lamps. There was a room at the end of the balcony. Unfortunately, his map only told him what the room was in general. It didn't tell him what might lie inside.

    Before he could reach the door, it opened itself, Father walking through. His face lit up when he saw Chan. He slowly backed away, his eye lingering on the club in Father's hand.

    "I've been looking all over for you," Father said. "Jeongin set you and Felix free I imagine. Hate to break it to you, but my children see no need for you or your friends anymore. Now I get to kill ya."

    Chan broke into a run through the balcony, not wanting to engage with Father, especially in his current condition. Father followed quickly behind him, slamming the club through the wall.

    "Dammit! How am I gonna pay for that?" He whined, not pausing to inspect the damage.

    "I don't know! You're the one that broke it!" Chan shouted, sprinting back into the house and taking a left. Father was sure to find him there and he would need to hide quickly.

    He rushed into the room, locking the door behind him, his heart pounding. There was nowhere to hide besides inside a large wardrobe beside the bed. Better that than standing out in the open for Father to catch him.

    He closed the door to the wardrobe, hiding himself behind as many clothes as possible, the darkness engulfing him. He clamped a hand over his mouth as the door to the bedroom opened, but it didn't sound like Father. Whoever walked in was too quiet. Maybe Father was messing with him.

    He hoped that whoever came in was one of the twins or even better, Minho. Maybe someone had come to save him. Or maybe it was Mother and these few moments were his last.

    The wardrobe doors slowly opened, light pouring in and illuminating his face. He hadn't hidden himself well enough.

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