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Hello! Disha here. Now I want to tell you my perspective about what had just happened and what was about to happen. So, listen close. And you two! Don't you dare interrupt me! *squinting eye look* Anyway, here's how it went.

-x- Disha -x-

So, this idiotic buffoon had just embarrassed himself as well as me in front of the entire class and there was no way I was going to get out of that. Well... it wasn't the best thing I did, but I did not come to school the next day.

"I mean I did come. Like even though I was the one to propose and get rejected and be embarrassed, I still had no fear whatsoever" Aaryan interrupts.

Oi. Shut up OK! It was a Wednesday, which I clearly remember. You had your Computer Science class; it was obvious that you weren't going to miss it. Besides it was also the only day that the canteen served Vada Pav, and I know that is your favourite thing and there was no way in the world that you were going to miss that delicacy.

Aaryan smiles at how well Disha knows him.

Anyway, after some time passed, everyone seemed to forget what had happened. Although it was the talk of the town for quite a while, eventually it became all the same to everyone. And why shouldn't it? We had Board examinations coming up that year and everyone was just engrossed in acing them. I too was simultaneously busy in my volleyball practice.

I was the captain of the girls' Volleyball team. Around that time, we had the MISA competition, the DSO competition and the MSSA open. It was one heck of a period. I had to vigorously train my body, with 6 AM runs, 7 AM gym workouts, 8 to 4 school, 4:30 to 6 classes, then 6 to 7 cycling, and then homework and stuff.

My days were packed to the brim, and I was exhausted. To be honest, I really didn't have any time back then to overthink or even properly digest what the proposal was supposed to be.

However, if I have to elaborate on the relationship between Aaryan and I after that stupid proposal, I would say it had been affected a lot. I mean, I did say I had no time to think about the proposal, but then whenever I looked at him, that memory of his broken smile fading away always came back to me and I never could be in the same state of mind around him like I did before.

This was something I couldn't let happen to me, so I distanced myself. However, I know Aaryan would agree with me on this, to some extent Aaryan did not mind this. I'm sure he expected some sort of a change after the incident. Also, he had his own priorities and, boy, did he prove himself. I mean being an overall National Topper wasn't a small thing. Besides he had Topped the World in four of the six subjects that he had chosen, which I believed was just *phew*.

If I'm being honest, this accomplishment of his really did make him a bit more attractive. I mean, I don't know why, but back then I always did find nerds and geeks really attractive. It was as if their intelligence challenged me to up my game. And this was something that actually made me look up to them. Now, I don't know whether that was affection or just an increase in respect. Anyway, I actually thought if everything had gone well and if Aaryan didn't screw something up after the incident, we could have become a thing in junior year of high school.

"Yeah, like that was going to happen. She was too involved in herself to let anyone in" Aaryan interrupts again.

Hey! That's mean and also so not true! STOP INTERRUPTING!

Anyway, to give you a flash-forward, I eventually forgot about Aaryan, and he forgot about me. He went away to the United States. I went on ahead with my volleyball until the end of junior year, after which I had to divert my attention to academics to get into a good university. I did surprisingly well in my senior year, and eventually, I got into the Niagaton Institute of Technology as a chemical engineering major, but after the first year I realized, I was more competitive than the crowd that existed there, and I could do better. What's more, I realized that chemical engineering wasn't really what I wanted to do and so I shifted to the University of South Niagaton (USN) as a sophomore who was going to major in Biology. I was all set for glory until I met this guy.

Another Typical Teenage Love Story Pt. IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora