Chapter 1

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Author: reputationsunshine

Rating: T

Fandom: Twilight, Little of Keeper of the Lost Cities

Main Pairing: Rosalie/Taylor (OC), Rosalie/Lily (OC)

Other Pairings: Alice/Jasper, Edward/Bella, Carlisle/Esme, Jake/Renesmee

Genre(s): Romance, Family, Drama

Disclaimer: Characters from Twilight belong to Stephenie Meyer. All mentions of vampires belong to Stephenie Meyer. All mentions of elves belong to Shannon Messenger.

Claimer: Lily, Alison, Summer and Taylor belong to me. The plot is all mine.

Characters: Rosalie Lillian Hale, Lily Rose, Taylor Alison Royal, Alison Jordan, Summer Heart, Mary Alice Brandon Cullen, Jasper Whitlock Hale, Emmett McCarty Cullen, Edward Masen Cullen, Isabella Marie Swan Cullen, Renesmee Carlie Cullen, Carlisle Cullen, Esme Anne Platt Evensen Cullen, Tatyana Denali, Katrina Denali, Irina Denali, Carmen, Eleazar.

Summary: After facing months of writer's block, Lily Rose decides to write a new FanFic in order to gain inspiration. Her new story features a vampire-elf named Taylor Royal. After falling asleep, Lily finds herself in her character's body.

Note: Any information given about any original characters are not in any way connected to real life.

The Lily For Your Rose

Chapter 1

July 22nd, 2021

11:16 P.M.


She sighed, and then looked up into her eyes. She was surprised to find the vegetarian telling golden eyes that only some peculiar vampires could have. The woman standing in front of her was clearly a vampire. The statuesque beauty emulating from her presence reminded her of her own father, a man she hadn't seen in over a century.

She supposed she should be grateful to even be able to recognize her father, let alone understand what he was and why he had to leave. She was a vampire/elf-hybrid. Although it meant she had a photographic memory and was able to remember every moment from the day she was born, there were consequences. She was illegal in both societies. The vampires would deem her unsafe, and would eliminate her to keep the existence of their society secret. The elves would remove her mother from her position (she would be unfit to be a Councillor because of bias in relation to her daughter), and might even jail them both because she conceived a child not fully of elven genes.

The woman in front of her was the first vampire she had met since her father back in 1900. She had carefully avoided every single sense of vampiric communities in order to stay safe from them. The Volturi. She'd heard legends of what they did to their subordinates. How they violently attacked gigantic communities, and how they mass murdered people just for food. She heard about what they did to Sasha from the Denali coven when she had an immortal child; one just like her. She knew she had to stay civil.

That's why she kept enrolling in high school, despite it being the most boring brutal experience ever. She had already moved 21 times, staying in each place for the 4 years she was able to enroll in high school. Vampires tended to stay away from big communities, and that's why she stayed in big cities.

Rochester was not her favorite in New York, that title belonged to Manhattan, and Manhattan alone. She hadn't been in New York since 1958, so she was finally able to return.

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