01. bite me

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01. bite me ziggy!

     "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT, shit shit!" Ziggy Berman swore, her fiery red hair bouncing up and down as she ran from a group of preppy Sunnyvalers, chasing her for a surprising (not) reason.

     Ziggy had been looking through the Sunnyvalers cabins, wanting some extra cash, which she found, and took. Unfortunately as she was leaving the cabin with the ten dollars, Sheila and her friends saw her. Which resulted in Sheila wanting to make Ziggy pay, and Ziggy running from said situation.

     Suddenly, as Ziggy was running, a fist shot up out of nowhere, punching the girl down, and when she looked up she saw the group of campers she was running from.

     "You're gonna hang, witch." Sheila said seriously as she stood over her, a dark look in her eyes. Fuck. Ziggy mentally swore. Estella Harte was thinking the exact same thing. Fuck.

"Before the witches final breath she found away to cheat her death. By cutting off her wicked hand, she kept her grip upon our land! She reaches from beyond her grave, to make good men her wicked slaves. She'll take your blood, take your head, she'll follow you until you're dead."

The group chanted the well known rhyme, minus Estella, who was only pretending to, before Sheila pushed Ziggy to the ground, a rope around her callused hands

"Hang her." Sheila smirked, a horrible glint in her eyes, and Ziggy looked up, a worried expression on her freckled face.

"No, stop it! Stop it!" Ziggy exclaimed, and Estella made eye contact with the girl, despite the voices in her head telling her to look away, who glared at her.

     Despite the redheads pleas, she was raised by her rope, hanging by her hands from the tree.

     "Let me down, you little shits! Let me down!" Ziggy exclaimed, a furious look on her face as she kicked the ground, trying to drag herself down.

"Well, well. What do we have here?" Sheila questioned, an angry smirk on her face.

"Goddamn thief!" The boy who punched Ziggy exclaimed, and Estella rolled her eyes. Dramatic much? She mentally judged.

"No. No, she's no thief," Sheila responded, a cocky look on her face. Huh? Estella thought, but then Sheila spoke again, "she's possessed by the witch. The only way to explain her psycho behavior."

"Fuck you!" Ziggy exclaimed, and elbowed Sheila in the face. Estella couldn't hold in the laugh she'd been trying to hide when the redhead smirked, and let out a "guess we're even now."

"So you think this is funny?" Sheila asked Estella, a glare in her eyes.

     If looks could kill Estella Harte would be 8 feet under the ground right about now.

"Didn't say that." Estella shrugged simply, and Sheila pushed her to the ground harshly.

When Estella stood up, she had blood pouring from her nose, and a harsh look in her eyes.

"I think you're getting a little too comfortable, Sheila." Estella glared back, and the brunette rolled her eyes, a smirk dancing on her lips.

"Why do you say that?" Sheila asked cockily, and Estella smirked. Fuck, that's hot. Ziggy was thinking. Bloody noses looked good on Estella, Ziggy couldn't deny.

"Because you wouldn't have expected me to do anything like this." Estella said, before slamming her fist into Sheilas face, feeling her knuckles crack into Sheilas jaw.

𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 , ziggy berman!Where stories live. Discover now