y/n POV:
Today I felt like shit, it was raining cold and just not an happy day, anyway,today I HAD to go to
masons ( my brother) match cause it was the semi- final. It was Denmark vs England. Even though it's a horrible day today I am still very excited for the game. But then I remembered something I had to see Phil foden, ugh I've always hated him I don't even know how my brother likes him he has bad taste in friends I tell you. I
had to force my self to get up today. I always struggle to get out of bed but I guess it's getting better I think...

30min after
I finally got ready And this is the fit for the day:

30min after I finally got ready And this is the fit for the day:

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This had to be one of my favourite outfits. I went downstairs and went to get something out of the fridge to eat but someone rudely interrupted and guess who it was mason of course it was him. He always calls at the wrong time. I answered the call and he was shouting at me saying
Mason:" y/n you have to come now"
Y/n: "why I'm eating right now"
Mason:" I dont care just come"
Y/n " I'll come in like 20 minutes"
Mason: " ok but be quick please"
I ended the call and slowly took my time I don't care if he needs me that bad. I made my favourite a fruit bowl. I live fruit bowls for some reason they always give me happiness that sounds weird now oh well.

I went in my car brr brr and drove off. When I arrived at the stadium I saw nobody like when I tell you nobody, normally there's so many people.
It's strange
I went to the boys changing room and there was no one so I stepped in and a flash of water went straight on me. fucking mason pranked me but little did he know that i had a water gun so boom and i went to spray mason. but it wasn't him it was

phillip foden

what the actual fuck just happened out of allllll people it was phil.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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