White Lies, Blue Lover

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He knows that was too much to ask knowing their circumstances... but a man could dream.

After a few minutes, YU was being lulled back to slumber by his man's heartbeat.


YU and Sam were ready to go back on their cruise ship to start the long journey back home. Their bags are packed, clothes are pressed and smiles on their faces are huge and refreshed. Holding hands while walking, the couple steps out of their cab at the port in which their ship was docked. YU was walking ahead leisurely when he was pulled back by Sam and he hit his hard chest with a groan.

"Sam, what the heck?" YU elbow the man gently but still smile in return. He eyed the grinning man who looks quite fetching under the morning light. "Let's ditch this way back home." Sam declared like he just thought about this ridiculous notion in the spur of the moment. "What?" YU blurted out. His nose crinkle into a cute frown. 

Sam fished his phone out of his pocket and starts typing on it. YU frown deepens as he tilted his head while his left foot tapping the ground, waiting for Sam to clear his plan up. After a few minutes, a cabin crew approached them, and Sam waves to the girl. When the lady approached them, Sam starts to give her their duffle bags and their joint luggage.

"Please take care of these stuffs for us. Will you? My Uncle Richard will fetch them when you reach Taiwan. He'll compensate you accordingly." With that, the girl nods her head in understanding and proceeds to take their things with her. YU was startled for a moment before his head snaps to meet Sam's relaxed one. "Tell me this is a joke. You know that you need to have a short visit to Los Angeles for Heartbeat's conference, right?"

"We have re-scheduled it to a later date due to this trip. Don't tell me you will push it back more?" YU knows that when he asked Sam to stay with him in Taiwan, there is a pang of nudging guilt inside him for he knows that he had also postponed the advancement of the app that could help a lot of people.

He said so many bad words before due to his blinded ideas that the people who need Sam were taking him away from YU... so now that he was finally in his right mind... nothing but guilt consume him every time he realized he was monopolizing Sam's time that can be used to save lives.

Sam takes YU's face in between his warm hands. "Don't look at me like that. We have talked about this before. Spending quality time with you was my priority. You are my priority." He then leans forward to kiss his forehead.

"There are many people in Hemith who share my principles and will do their best to help as many as they can. The people who need me have a lot of other people who will help them now. But there is only one me who could give you the happiness and time that you need. My principles belong to them... but I... Sam Lin... only belong to Maruyama Yusuke. Never forget that."

YU's eyes turn glassy as he encircles his arms around Sam's waist. "Haven't you have enough of me already?" YU asked. They have spent their six months relationship almost attached to each other's hips. It should have bored them already and they should have learned everything about themselves in that span of time... but YU was amazed at how much more to unravel to this lovely man. There are too many more topics to talk about... there is just too much conversation to dive into.

The man felt like deeper than Mariana trench and YU might have to spend his entire life to learn everything about him. However, he was slightly nervous that the man would not feel the prior thrill when they were just newly together if they will continue like this. 

It's always been youHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin