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Sarv - Italic 

Ruv - Bold 

A simple girl is not what you see that girl had horns which

 what everybody feared having hatred on that girl

Which That Girl Name Is

Sarvente wears a purple small nun outfit, with 2 Bows on the sides of her head. Her skin has 3 colors: Purple, White, and Pink and what people has hatred on her small little horn..

Which Seeks Peoples Attention On Hatred

Sarvente p.o.v

Walking down the grass and having awareness of stares , glares , but having no issue within I've gotten use to it no one wanted to be my friend while walking

 i saw a boy sitting on a bench and having a last try on making a friend i ran too him avoiding the people and reaching him "Hey!" i said the boy turn his head and gave me a look of confusion

"Hello." The boy said "Weird Question Are You Afraid Of This?" I point on my horns He shook he's head My eyes Widen "Ah! Finally Your The First Person That Isn't Afraid!"

i said i was excited to have a first friend "People Are Afraid Of That Little Thing?" He questioned "Yes.! It Just Made Me Having Low Chance Of Having Friends." i said in a happy tone

"Seems Like I'm Your First Friend." He said having his hands cross and head low "Mhm. So You Wanna Play A Game?" I said "What Kind?" he ask "Tag!" "Seems Alright"

he got off the bench as i did too "Tag Your It!" I said poking him and running away he then sprint i felt scared now oh god 

- Few Minutes Later -

"Wow. Your Fast!" I said "And Your Slow" He said "Hey! I Gave You A Compliment!" I said stomping my feet and crossing my arm turning my head "Alright Then Wanna Play Hide And Seek?" He ask "Yeah Sure!" i said "Alright You're It"  i cover my eyes and began counting

- 2 Hours Later - 

We sat there Exhausted "Hey.. I Have Too Leave Soon I Can't Stay In The Same For Too Long. Thank You For Being My Friend Though " he said "Awe. Alright! I'm Happy Too Have You As My First Friend! Even If I Have Creepy Horns!!" I Said happily " Do You Think We Can Meet Again? And You Won't Find My Eye Patch Scary?" he said pointing on his eye patch 

" Yes! Were Going Too Meet Each Other Again! I'll Give You One Of My Bows As A Promise" I Said Taking Off My Bow And Handing It He Slip It Away And Turning Away Taking Off His Hoodie And Had A Whole Process Of Wearing It Until He Finish He Turn And Seeing My Own Bow As He's Eye Patch I made a wide Smile And Sat Up And Reach My Hand Too Him He Took It Got Up And Both Of Us Said "Goodbye" Waving 


Word Count - 506

| A Promise That You Can't Break.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن