Hiccups - Chris Evans x Reader

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Warnings: mostly fluff, couple swearwords.

It had been a long day on set. Today of all days you had the worst case of the hiccups. It rendered pretty much ever take useless. Even if you weren't speaking you could either hear your poorly concealed hiccup, or you could see you desperately holding one back in the background of the shot.

Everyone on the cast had tried and failed to cure your hiccups using pretty much every trick in the book.

Scarlett told you to hold your breath which no matter how long you tried just was not working.

Downey got you gargling water which went horribly wrong when you hiccuped mid gargle causing you to nearly choke. Spitting the water out everywhere coughing and spluttering.

Hemsworth even got you doing a handstand trying to drink a glass of water which just led to water going up your nose. A burning sensation that you really want to forget and never live through again.

You had all pretty much given up, the russo brothers discussing whether to just reshoot the scene tomorrow or just digitally edit you in later on.

Needless to say you weren't feeling great. You were sulking as you walked and hiccuped back to your trailer.

"How you feeling?" Seb asks as he and Mackie jog to catch up to with you.

"Not" hiccup "great" hiccup.

"Fucking hell" you groan quickly followed by yet another hiccup.

You glare over at Seb and Mackie when they started laughing at you.

"Its" hiccup "not" hiccup "funny!" You complains hitting the both of them before walking away.

"Okay, okay sorry" Seb says holding his hands up in surrender.

You turn back to look at the two of them who were smirking at you. You roll your eyes going to turn around. When you do all you see in the corner of your eye is a large mass jumping out of nowhere.

"Ahhhhhhhh!!!!!" Chris shouts loudly in your ear.

You let out a surprised shriek, hands flying to your head ducking down. When you get over your initial shock you turn to see Chris laughing hysterically clutching his chest.

"What the hell babe! You scared the living shit out of me!" You exclaim slapping his arm.

You see Chris' eyes widen slightly at your outburst.

"Babe?" You hear Mackie say alerting you to the fact the Mackie and Seb were still there.

"You two got something to tell us?" Seb smirks.

You groan realising you had just accidentally outed you and Chris as a couple. The two of you had decided to keep it on the down-low for the first couple months, meaning nobody especially the cast knew.

"Look guys, we just wanted to keep it between us for the first couple months" Chris explains taking a step close to you.

"I mean I'm happy for you guys but if you think I'm not gonna tell the entire cast you've got another thing coming" Mackie laughs rubbing hands together.

"We'll tell them to keep it quiet though" Seb adds with a smirk.

You and Chris don't have a chance to argue before the two of them run away to share the news.

"That's your fault" Chris says smirking over at you.

"My fault!! You were the one that jumped out at me" you exclaim.

"I was trying to cure your hiccups!" Chris explains.

You go to argue when you realise that you hadn't hiccupped at all since he scared you. You hold up your hand to stop him from saying anything as you waited for the inevitable hiccup. It never came though and you could see Chris smiling at you victoriously.

"So don't get all angry at me, and since the secrets out you can't be mad at me for this" Chris smirks.

He grabs your hand pulling you into his arms. He crashes his lips down on yours. You squeak in surprise before instantly melting into his arms.

"Still upset with me?" He smirks when he pulls away.

"Nope not at all" you smirk grabbing him by the nape of his neck pulling his lips back down to yours. 

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