Full Moon - Steve Rogers x Reader (A/B/O) Part 3*

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Warnings: Canon typical violence, Attempted Assault. Mention of injury. Smut. 18+.

I tried to break myself out of the van but ended up getting thrown around the back of the van "oi keep it down back there" a man shouted as the van rounded a corner throwing me to the side once again.

The van finally came to a stop and I waited for the doors to open and to try and make an escape. The doors opened and I launched myself forward knocking over the two men, I began to run as fast as I could through the woods. I pause for a moment trying to look around and get my bearings but I could hear the men approaching, so I began running once again.

I see a road in the distance, a few cars driving past, maybe someone could help me. I start running towards the road desperately, I get within a few feet of the road but I hear a branch snap and suddenly my feet were pulled out from underneath me. My face scraps against the floor and I scream out in pain as my foot is lifted upwards and I'm left hanging upside down. I look up at the snare that had captured me, seeing the bright shining metal wire around my ankle. Silver. I try and reach up and free myself but my hand began to sting as soon as I touched the wire.

"don't try it darling, you'll only hurt yourself" brock says smirking at me, an evil look in his eye "get her down and throw her in the basement, I'll deal with her later" brock orders his men before stalking off back towards the base.

Once they got me down from the snare they dragged me back to their base before throwing me down into the basement, I cry out in pain as I fall to the floor. The men chuckle to themselves before locking the doors as they leave. I glance around looking to see if there was any way I could escape, or contact steve, or anything.

I look down at my ankle to assess the damage, the wire didn't cut in too deeply, but the entire area was still on fire from the silver. I touch it gingerly and hiss in pain, I notice a tap on the other side of the room so I pull myself up, groaning in pain as I do so. I knew I'd probably broken a couple ribs falling down the stairs, but my ankle was more concerning right now. I hobble over to the tap and try desperately to turn it on, it took a lot of effort since it was almost rusted shut. I let it run for a few moments until clear water started coming out. I hold my ankle under the stream of water trying not to scream out in pain at the freezing temperature.

After a few minutes a turn the tap off and move back over to the wall, I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my head as the fear of this entire situation sinks in and I begin to sob uncontrollably. God I just wanted steve right now, he probably knows I'm gone by name I could only hope he could find me in time. I couldn't help but think I'd never see him again though, bringing on another onslaught of tears, I didn't even get to tell him I loved him.

I hear the door to the basement open I look up to try and see who it was, they shut the door behind them and start making their way down the stairs. I finally see who it was and all I want to do is run and hide as I see brock smirking down at me.

"finally got you where I wanted" he says crouching down forcefully grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him.

"I'll never be yours" I say spitting in his face, he snarls at me wiping his face. "you bitch!" he growls grabbing me around the throat and pushing my head back into the wall. I try not to whimper in pain and fear.

"I just have to wait a few more days for your bond with rogers to fully fade then you'll be mine whether you like it or not" brock mutters looking over me like a piece of meat.

I slap away his hand in a moment of bravery, but instantly regret it as he grabs my wrists and pins me to the floor. I cry out begging him to leave me alone and stop as he starts to rip the shirt off of me.

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