Climate change

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Global warming is a huge global issue (hence the name) that without help our earth could die in a matter of years.

Not trying to freak anyone out but the abrupt climate change has sparked a drought in many areas, many wildfires, and animal endangerment.

Wildfires have ignited in many places, even in some where they haven't or rarely burned before.

A direct quote from Ivana Kottasová, of CNN

"Yakutsk in Russian Siberia is . In a place where even an exposed nose during the winter months can cause biting pain, people are accustomed to taking precautions against freezing temperatures, including spending extra time in the morning to dress in many layers. But now the city is blanketed in haze that have been parched by weeks of heatwaves. The fires are so big, and the winds strong, smoke is traveling as far away as Alaska." -Ivana Kottasová

Along with the wildfires comes the death of many helpless animals. It's pretty self explanatory though.

They live in a woodsy area or an environment that happens to catch fire. They die due to smoke, burning, or falling limbs.

Climate change in general is putting a damper on many animal populations.

90% of loggerhead turtles are female. Changing temperature have effected nesting conditions. Messing up the gender ratio.

Penguin population has declined about 60% from 1960.

There were 5-10 million African elephants in 1930, now, not even 1% of that number still exist.

These are just a few examples of climate change. It's not just going to effect us in the future, it's effecting us NOW. We as a whole need to do something and fast or those cute little common animals we see everyday, might soon seize to exist. 

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