I'm Coming Home

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~Hey guys! I looked through all your comments and they are so sweet! I have been thinking that if there is any artists reading this maybe they can make a cover for one of my chapters that you can send to me via my Discord: ♡ⓢⓟⓘⓓⓔⓡ♡#2124! I will obviously credit you and dedicate the chapter to you. Also there are mentions of suicide and all that so TW! Sorry for the short chapter ;w; That's all!~

I sat on my old bed, it felt hard and cold compared to the one I had at the palace but it was oddly comforting. My room felt like true home. The smell of my cheap perfume still lingered and my sheets still smelled of my old shampoo. It was like snuggling up to an old friend. I walked around looking in drawers and in my closet. I found old plushies, card, clothes, and a few other trinkets but what really struck me the most was the noose that hanged in my closet. It was all prepared and ready for someone but it seemed never to have been touched. I was swept away into old memories by it.

(Flash back) "Hey mom!" I yell. My mom enters the room with a sorrowful look on her face. "Hey Muffin, you know how people don't live forever?" I nod and walk over to her, seeing her tear stained face. "Yea.. Why?" She looks up at me with a tired smile, looking like she had aged a thousand years. "Your.. Your grandma has past away." I stumble back, tears forming in my eyes. "No! It can't be! She was so energetic last time we saw her!" I yell. "I know hun.. She suddenly got ill and didn't make it.." I run to my room, crying and sniffling.

(Back to present time) "Ah I was a dumb kid.." I chuckle to myself before closing my closet. I grabbed my comforter and pillow along with a few pictures and cards. I grabbed a unicorn plushie that was given to me by my grandmother. Her sweet smell lingered on it. "Well grandma.. I'm finally leaving the nest, just like you said I would.. I miss you." I kissed my grandma's picture before stuffing it in my old backpack. "Well I'm really leaving this place... It's hard to believe any of this.." I say before walking out of my room and into the living room.

"Are you ready to leave?" I jumped when Mother Miranda asked while sitting in one of the very scuffed up arm chairs. "Yes" I say before helping her stand. "Then let's go." She stated as she walked out the door, I followed close behind. We stood on the porch and prepared for lift off. The air was brisk and cold against my face, making my cheeks and nose red. I looked at the scenery around us, taking in everything. It was odd. There was a factory that seemed so out of place. I shrugged it off and continued to fly towards the castle.

"Welcome home, (Y/N)!" Alcina greeted us on the porch where we landed on. "Oh hello!" I cheered. Her hand caressed my face and I blushed. "Excuse me ladies, I have business to attend to." Me and Alcina blushed and moved out of the way.

"Now that we're alone.. I have something to ask you.." Alcina took off her hat and gloves. "What is it?" I question with a worried look on my face. "(Y/N) will you... Will you marry me?" She wasn't on one knee but two, almost looking like she was begging. She had the brightest smile on her face though tears streamed down it. "Yes!" I screamed and pulled her up for a kiss, crying with her. "I love you (Y/N).. I'm sorry for everything you have gone through.." I pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled. "It's ok.. I love you too"

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