Feathers, Fears, And Tears

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~Sorry for the wait everyone! This chapter does have slightly suggestive parts so be warned!~

By the time I had processed what had happened Alcina whisked me off the dance floor. "Darling, this is a party with liquor!" She swayed me to a table decorated with treats and all other sorts of party items. She led me to the end of the table where there seemed to be a fountain of red wine and a few bottles of champagne with wine glasses stacked into beautiful, shining mountains. "Oh I... I really shouldn't." She laughed and gave me a full wine glass. "I'll drink with you!" She clanked our glasses together and drank. 

"(Y/N)!" I heard Bethany yell from across the room. My face flushed with embarrassment as I excused myself and left Alcina to drink her wine. "Yes, Beth?" I took a sip from the wine. It was surprisingly sweet and had almost a tangy flavor. "I um.. I need a um.. I need a new dress.." I looked her up and down. "What do you mean? Your dress is perfectly clean." She turned around and bent over. "Oh!" She looked back and gagged. "Sebastian threw up all over my dress! I can't believe it!" Bethany turned back around and stomped her foot, her high heel making a loud clacking sound. "I though you were um..." I pointed down to my womanhood and chuckled. "No!" "Yay!" I laughed at her whining. I chugged the rest of my wine and hooked my arm in Beth's.

"So let's see... That bright pink makeup will be a bit hard to match." Bethany pouted. "How about this!" Bethany grabbed a pink dress and held it up to her shoulders. She twirled around and bowed. "I think that'll do! Go put that on and I'll fix your makeup!" She quickly slipped behind the large screen that held a vanity and a cushioned stool. "It looks perfect! Though my eyeshadow smeared as I put it on." She whisked out from behind the screen and twirled around once again. "Aw yes it did get a bit disturbed." She grabbed my hand and ran me behind the screen. "Please fix it!" I patted her head and grabbed the eyeshadow brush. "Now let's fix this mess!" 

"Why hello.. Ladies~" A drunk butler greeted us in the hall. "Oh my god! Stay away! I just put this dress on!" She hid behind me. The man looked up at me and smirked, a gross, drunken, horny smirk that made me want to throw up. "Why don't you come to my room.. Sexy~" He grabbed my hand and I smacked it away. "I'm sorry but I'm not interested." I felt Bethany tug on my dress. "Dispose of him!" Bethany said in a dramatic, medieval tone. I held in a laugh and picked him up. "Please sir, I have somewhere to be." I turned him around and placed him behind Bethany. "But-" "No, no, no! Go and find something to play with, Darling!" I said in a motherly tone. Almost like he was a toddler he cheered and ran down the hall, laughing down the whole way. "How did that work?" "I have no possible idea." We both laughed and returned to the ball room.

"(Y/N), Darling! You have returned!" Alcina grabbed my hand and twirled me around. "O-oh yes! It seems I have!" She laughed and refilled my glass. She seemed to be a bit tipsy, giggling and getting a bit... Touchy. She ran her hands up and down my figure before lifting me up into the air. "Whoa!" Her hands hooked on my wings, it didn't hurt. She had a loving touch. "Fly!" She lightly tossed me up in the air. "AH!" I screamed and violently flapped my wings. "Look!" "Wow!" "Go, (Y/N)!" I heard people cheer and I slowly opened my eyes. My wings were keeping me in the air as I floated above the heads of everyone, even Alcina. "Oh. My. God!" I screeched and flew around the room. "Go! Go, Birdy! Go!" I heard the call of a very drunk Sebastian. 

Alcina reached up and grabbed my leg. "Hey!" She pulled me down and kissed me again. "Shh.." She said before dragging me out of the ball room. "Where are we going?" I inquired. "To my room~" She cooed. "O-oh.." I blushed deeply. I hoped that my dream was going to come true but I also was fighting with myself. "Y-you're drunk.. We shouldn't.." I covered my face and my entire abdomen with my wings. "I think we should!" She almost yelled and started a faster pace. "I-" "You want this, I want this. We're ok!" She cheered as we dunked under the doorway into her room. Her bed was neatly made and everything was in it's own special place.

"Oh wow.." I never got a good look at her room but it was quite elegant. Everything was a shade of scarlet or red. I hadn't notice but Alcina was only in her bra and underwear. "Come on~" She walked over and lifted up the bottom of my dress. "Wait no!" I panicked and ran out of her room. "I'm sorry, Alcina, but I can't!" I ran all the way to my room. I jumped onto my bed and screamed. "Why did I run!?" Tears filled my eyes as Bethany rocked on my door. "Come in!" Bethany quickly opened the door and closed it. "Men! I hate them- Are you crying!?" She ran over to me and hugged me. 

"The lady o-offered me intercourse-" "Ok don't say that- It's weird." Bethany swatted at me. "Ok you get the point!" I shoved my face into the soft pillows on my bed. "Then why are you here?" Bethany rested her hand on my shoulder. "Because she's drunk and it feels wrong taking advantage of her!" I sniffled and turned to face Bethany, makeup ruined and running down my face. "And why are you crying?" She sat on my bed next to me. "Because I feel bad.." "Why?" "Because she- she-" I cried once more. "I see... Do you want to go to bed?" She wiped my tears. "Yes.." She got up and grabbed my hands. "Well you're not going to bed a mess. Let's get you cleaned up." She dragged me to the bathroom that was attached to my room. 

"There.. Goodnight (Y/N)." "Goodnight.." I snuggled into my sheets as Bethany left. I heard another nock on my door and groaned. "Come in!" The door opened and I saw Alcina walk in, fully clothed and put together. "I'm sorry, (Y/N).. I have no idea what I was thinking.." She rubbed her temple. "It's ok." I smiled lightly. "Yes, yes.. Well I'm sorry to intrude, goodnight." She walked out and closed the door behind her. "Finally a rest from this crazy night!" I sighed and quickly fell asleep. 

Deep Red Wine (Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now