March 2008

682 14 0

It was the middle of the semester, and it dragged on just like any other school year. My siblings and I kept to ourselves as usual, and of course the students around us talked. I was starting to feel a bit lonely.

Don't get me wrong, I loved my family, but I was pining for a mate; a man to spend my existence with. It was hard when I looked like a teenager, but thought like an adult. Some of us had different ways of thinking due to all of us being from different eras.

We were gathered around Emmett's truck just talking and passing the time before we had to go to class.

My dreams were about to be realized when I saw a boy that I had never noticed before, he had light brown hair and brown eyes, and he was well built. The boy was a year above me in school, and he was very attractive. I wasn't sure if he had noticed me, and I felt bad for not noticing him. We made eye contact with each other from across the parking lot of the school. The boy smiled at me shyly, and I smiled back.

"Lilly! What are you doing?" Rosalie snapped her fingers in my face to get my attention. "I'm not doing anything, since when is anything I do your business?" I snapped with gritted teeth. Rosalie had been annoying me to high heavens since we had got to Forks. "Since you started making eyes at that human," she griped.

I rolled my eyes, "What I'm hearing is we're not allowed to make friends and just be lone wolves for the rest of time?!" my sister was really making me angry. "Exactly!" she yelled.

"Rose, stop," Edward said with a glare. "It's not my fault she's bound to expose us at any minute," Rosalie said coldly. "Babe," Emmett warned. I glared at my sister, and stomped away. "Lilly," Edward attempted to stop me. "I need to be alone right now," I told my brother and continued walking away. I needed to get to English anyway.

I sat down in my usual seat in the front and got out my textbook and my notebook. After a while, more students began to trickle in the classroom. I busied myself by copying down the homework assignment from the whiteboard. Just then, I saw Jessica Stanley flounce into the room with an awkward looking red haired girl stumbling behind her; she must have been a new student. She was pale enough to pass for one of us. Her brown eyes were full of nerves and she kept looking down as if she was hoping no one would notice her, I knew exactly how she felt. My family and I were always noticed by the student body of our school.

Suddenly, I was hit with the overwhelming scent of blood; it was stronger than any other scent I've ever come across. I bit my lip to keep from hissing, and it wasn't working, so I tried to hold my breath to ease my thirst. One hundred years of work was about to go out the window if I gave in.

"Miss Cullen, are you alright?" Mr. Birdy asked when I wouldn't respond after a while. I cleared my throat and the burning sensation went away for now, "Yes, sir. I'm just a little under the weather today." "Well, make sure you're paying attention, because this will be on the test," he told me. "Of course," I nodded and resumed my attempt of taking notes. It was almost effortlessly because I had been doing this for the past fifty years.


When the bell for lunch rang, I instantly got up from my desk and made my way outside to get some fresh air. My throat was on fire, and I had to run into the nearby woods to catch an animal to tame my thirst for blood.

I made sure to stay deep in the woods so that no one would detect me, and then I ran back to the school to meet up with my family. Edward was at the cafeteria door waiting for me, and when he saw me, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Where were you?" he asked. The way he said that reminded me of when Father scolded us for taking a different path home. "I tell you later," I replied.

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