Chapter 2

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Narrator's POV
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The letters for U.A finally arrived, the family sat in the living room, anxious about what may be written inside. Izuku simply just stared at the letter in hand, glancing up to the three, watching how his mother and his father only look at Inori's. Sighing, he opens his revealing some micro-chip of some source.

Tapping the button, Principal Nezu's face came to view, all enthusiastic and impatient. "Ahhh, Izuku Yagi, that was my first time seeing you in the hero exam. I'd say you did well then most! I would like to inform you that you have been accepted to be in Class 1-A! Isn't that nice? Hope I see you again once the school year started. Have a great day." Well, that was quite an interesting way to get information, before he could store the chip away the hologram of Nezu pop up again. "Oh, and I'm very interested to have a game of chess with you." Said principal grin with humor.

"Annoying..." Izuku commented putting the chip back in the letter, folded it neatly before putting it inside his jean pocket. He stood about to leave the room when he noticed all three of his family members were looking at him. "What?..." He questioned, raising an eyebrow as he looked at all three of them uninterestedly.

The three were clearly surprised that Izuku got accepted in Class 1-A, Inori could be seen visibly fuming in anger, but continue to give her pathetic smile. "Nothing brother, simply surprise is all." She spoke, untrue sweetness laced on her tone.

Inko smiled lovingly, giving him a nod of sorts. "Great job dear. I didn't know you could actually do it, but I'm really glad." She said with her motherly smile, and Ouch! It hurts! Izuku just hummed before leaning in the doorway, he decided to stay to see what her sister got, probably something more than a hologram, considering that she is All Might's successor.

Inori got rid of her anger, replacing the emotion with excitement and impatience. She rips open her envelope, seeing a hologram of Present Mic. "Hey hey, their little listener! On behalf of Shota Aizawa, I welcome you Inori Yagi to the U.A hero course. Getting 23% of the intellectual test and 85 points at potential, You have been accepted to join Class 1-A!" Present Mic smiled happily at the screen, waving his hands like some sort of sugar-high child.

"That's great dear!" Inko happily held both her hands, shaking them in glee. Toshinori looks so proud, minus the fact that their daughter didn't even passed the intellectual exam. "Props to you their sis, congratulations..." He yawned, finally going out of the living room and into the bedroom, which was really not interesting like he anticipated. In a way though, nothing really interests Izuku anymore.

Sighing he open his analysis notebook volume #14, starting to sketch a drawing of the girl he save back. 'Anti- Gravity quirk huh?... Boring but useful.' He thoughted before drowning his self onto his analysis.


It is finally the start of a new school year, students were flocking here and there, covering the grounds of U.A. Izuku Yagi was no different, sliding his way in without getting notice, not that he was famous. Finding his classroom was easy, knowing that the doors are bigger than those of a giant. Sighing, he opens the door to be greeted by his classmates, all eyes went to him as he entered like it was nothing new to him.

"This is suffocating..." Choosing his seat to be at the far back right corner, he sat down not sparingly glancing at his staring classmate. The staring continues for a good minute and Izuku was getting very annoyed, making a glanced his side, his eyes piercing that it could go through anything. He didn't utter a word but his classmates got what he was trying to lead. Immediately all of them look at the places where he would be nowhere.

Not so long later, his sister walked in, and as he predicted chaos erupted in the classroom. "You're All Might's daughter!" "It's a pleasure to meet you!!" "Uwaah! This is the first time I'd seen you in person!" To his sister's liking her amour propre or what he likes to call it, grew bigger than his father's buff form. She answered their question with her smile that can be considered as plastic that isn't going to be recycle anytime soon.

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