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hello, my loves! i feel the need to discuss a few things & address the future of this book with you all


as I've stated multiple times, this book is a subpart of my script. therefore, i only add to this book whenever i feel the need to add something a bit more detailed into my script.

so... this book has no definite end- meaning i could keep it listed as 'ongoing' for forever

with that being said,  i do not plan on keeping this book going for much longer. now, when i say that, i don't mean I'm going to end it soon. i only mean that this book will probably end within the next 2-3 months. 

i'd give it 3-4 months tops


yes, I'm adding a whole section just to explain the 'expiration date' of this book.

since this is a subpart of my script, there are certain things that i do and don't want to add to it. for example, i'm not going to put my entire script in this book; i don't feel comfortable doing so.

however, i will still add some things that are already in my main script into this book (just so i can keep it going a bit longer)


yay! everyone loves good news, yes? 

anyways- if you like this book or enjoy the aesthetic, i have an ongoing book dedicated to shifting that shares pretty much the exact same vibe as this one!

in this book, i discuss and explain shifting methods, tips, scripts, my personal shifting attempts, & more

if any of that interests you, PLEASE go check out my other book on my profile ( i also have a ranting book, but that obviously isn't for shifting haha )

you don't have to read it, but i do plan on keeping that one going for much longer than this one, so keep that in mind <3


i also wanted to discuss my update/writing/publishing schedule

my school starts back in early august & cross country practices have already started back.

with that being said, i won't be publishing/updating as frequently as i have been & i apologize for that in advance.

i've been trying to prewrite multiple chapters for all of my books during my free days, but as you can imagine, that gets pretty chaotic. these prewritten chapters usually come off as rushed & i don't enjoy them as much

however, if it means i get to write, i don't mind! i'll try to keep all of my books as updated as i can & i actually plan on starting a fanfiction sometime later this year ( maybe during winter break? so around december/january ).

again, i am so so so sorry for not being able to update as frequently!


that was all i had to address for now.

please comment and/or vote on this chapter! i'd love to hear some feedback <3


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