"Easy now, I'm Dr. Carlisle Cullen," he introduced. "Your brother is here in the recovery ward with you," the doctor had an oddly calming voice that seemed to ease my anxiety. "W-w-where a-a-re m-my p-parents?" I struggled to speak.

"They're in the critical ward, I'm sorry to say, but we're doing everything we can to help," he assured me.

"S-save my brother," I begged. I suddenly lost consciousness and I knew no more. I anticipated that I wasn't going to wake up ever again, but then I was sorely mistaken.

Searing pain shot through my body like I was being shocked. My eyes opened wide and I screamed in agony. I couldn't see anything; my vision was blurry. The pain was excruciating, and suddenly I found myself wishing for death just so the pain could stop. Maybe this was the influenza claiming my life. Just then the pain stopped and everything went black.

Through my unconsciousness, I had no idea what happened to me or my family. I wondered if we all died. What happened?

My eyes automatically opened and my vision was absolutely clear. I was in a different bed that was near a window, and seeing the sun seeping in was comforting to see. I sat up and attempted to get out of the bed, and I noticed something peculiar; I seemed to glide across the room.

Once I found myself next to the window, the corners of my vision began to shimmer. I looked around to see what the source of the shimmer was, and I was in utter disbelief when I looked down at my hands to see that it was my skin that was sparkling. That's strange.

I didn't know where I was or what was going on, and I was getting nervous. My fears increased when I caught I glimpse of my reflection in the window, staring back at me was a girl with crimson red eyes and skin as pale as a ghost. "What happened to me?" my voice sounded oddly pleasant.

"Lilly?" a familiar voice called out to me. I turned around and saw Edward standing before me. His skin had turned ghostly pale like mine, and his eyes were the same shade of red. "Edward!" I quickly walked forward and hugged him like I hadn't seen him in years. "I'm glad you're okay, Lilly," he hugged me back and he sounded like he was in pain. "You okay?" I asked alarmed. "You seemed to have grown a lot stronger," he wheezed. I realized I was hugging him too hard and I realized my strength had changed.

Dr. Cullen from the hospital came to check on us, and he was delighted that we had finally woken up. "Thank goodness it worked," the pleasantness in his voice still surprised me. I studied the man since I was able to function, he had golden hair, the same pale white skin, and his eyes were gold instead of red like mine and Edward's.

"What worked?" Edward asked. I noticed that he was getting tense and I did as well. "The transformation, it was the only way to save your lives. It's what your parents wished," he explained. "Are they dead?" I inquired nervously. "Yes, I'm sorry for your loss," he told us with sadness.

I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. It appeared that I had lost my ability to cry. "What have we become?" I asked my question as if I was challenging him.

"Vampires," he answered me. The word sounded like a shot in the dark to me. Our parents were dead, and Edward and I would be living forever.

I was angry at first, but I grew to accept my new existence, I couldn't call it life, because my ability to live and age was gone. Edward had a harder time accepting it, but eventually he grew to it.

Over the next ninety years, more people would come into our family. First, a woman named Esme would be the role of our new mother. She had come close to death after falling off a cliff after losing her child, and Carlisle had saved her. The two were married around 1930. All of this happened while we were living in Wisconsin. Three years later, I would gain a sister, Rosalie. She had a hard life and she would have to adjust to a whole new one.

Five years went in the blink of an eye and I would gain another brother, Emmett. Carlisle had saved him after he had gotten attacked by a grizzly bear; Rosalie brought Emmett from the site of the attack so Carlisle could save him. Emmett had taken a liking to Rosalie and the two fell in love and were wedded the following month.

Before we knew it, 1950 had come and two more people would join our family; a girl named Alice and a boy named Jasper. The two of them had been together since 1948, and they had hard backstories as well. Alice had escaped from an insane asylum after enduring torture; she had been placed there because the people in her town had accused her of being a witch just because she could see the future. She said that someone who worked at the asylum had created her into a vampire.

Jasper was a different story. He was almost older than all of us (besides Carlisle who lived in the 1600's), because he was a Major for the Confederate Army in 1860, and three years later he had met a group of vampires led by a woman named Maria, and she transformed him. Together, the two of them led an army of newborn vampires. Maria wouldn't allow any of the newborns to live past the first year, so Jasper was in charge of killing them. He grew tired of that lifestyle and escaped to be rid of the murderous deeds. In 1948 he had met Alice, and the two of them fell in love and were married.

Edward and I were the only ones who didn't have mates, but we didn't let that dampen our spirits too much, we just had to be patient.

Fifty years had passed, and it was now the twenty-first century. We had moved to Forks, Washington so we could move about our day more freely, and we befriended a neighboring coven from Denali who resided in the Alaskan area. We would spend our time frequently in Alaska, but we knew we had to blend in. The rest of us looked young enough to pass for high school students, so Carlisle enrolled us in Forks High School.

I was worried that I was going to be in the class below everyone else because I was the youngest out of all the siblings, but thankfully I was able to pass for a junior.

My siblings and I had learned to control our thirst, and I found it doable. Jasper had the hardest time out of all of us, due to most of his life drinking blood from humans.

Soon, things would change for all of us, when a human girl from Phoenix moved to Forks. Everything would change.

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