My grandma grabbed my granddaddy arm before pulling him to the door .

"OUT HERE YOU DEVIL !"The preacher yelled while me and Cece stood up before my granddaddy pulled away from my grandma and walked up to the pastor .

He looked him up and down before saying "that's why I fucked yo wife when we was kids !,she was a lil hoe back in the day anyways ,and you trynna act all holy like yo ass don't be up in the club every Friday ,fuck on some whea ,my crew let's go "my granddaddy said .the preacher looked embarrassed as fuck .his wife had just walked out .

"Papa you is ghetto "I said lowly getting in the car along with the rest of dem .

"They make a nigga get outta character"he said as my grandma started the car up .I can tell she was embarrassed and upset .

"Nah papa you just crazy as fuck "Cece said laughing .goofy self .

"Stop allat cursing...."My grandma said lowly stopping at a stop sign .

"My bad grandma "Cece said before looking out window .

"That look like donkey dem !"Cece said making me look out the window .

"That is ...."i said lowly as my grandma pulled in to the store they was at .

"Fuck is a donkey ?"my granddaddy asked making me buss out laughing .

"That's my friend Nunu friend "i said still laughing .

"Hope that ain't his real name ...."my granddaddy mumbled taking out his iPhone .yea his old ass got one .

"Pookie go in the sto for me and get some cooking grease ,and Cece go in there and get y'all some to snack on ." My grandma said handing me the stamp card before me and Cece got out the car .

Me and Cece was walking to entrance the store when I heard a familiar voice calling making me and Cece turn around .

"Pookie"Nunu said before I started smiling and running over to her giving her a hug .

"Heey lil daddyyy"I said before me and her did our handshake .

"Heey baebae"she said looking me up and down .

"Y'all gay .."Servo mumbled .

"Gay is yo middle name .."Donkey said pushing up his lips .

"Fuck look like wanting to stick my dick inna nigga for ?,that shit gay ,fuck I look like "Servo said titling his head as I looked around .

It was Nunu ,Bryson,Donkey,Servo ,Star ,Sky ,Dee and Debo .

Wonder were the rest of em at

"Hey y'all-"I started before I heard my granddaddy's voice .

"Hurry up and get innat sto Pookie !"He yelled out the window making me roll my eyes .

"So annoying..."i muttered .

"I'll see y'all later "I said looking back at my granddaddy giving him the stink eye before he flipped me off .

"Ask yo people can we come to y'all house"Dee said as I raised my right eyebrow,fuck he wanna come to my house for and he barely say shit to me .

"I'll ask when we get back home and I'll talk to y'all later ."i said before walking off going back towards the store entrance seeing Cece on her phone waiting on me .

"Let's go "


"BLOOD KILLA SHOOTER ROBER SUM SUM !"Donkey yelled randomly.we was all at my grandparents house ,surprisingly they let them come .

"Stop screaming in these people house nigga ."Servo said strolling on his phone .

"They don't give a fuck ,aleast my granddaddy don't ..."Cece said as my granddaddy walked in the living room plopping down on the couch beside me .

"Fuck you looking at bastard,you gay or sum ,stareing and shit ."my granddaddy said mugging Servo .

"I'm telling y'all that nigga Servo is gay "Donkey said shaking his head .

"Ion gay fuck y'all ,I'm finna go home "He said getting up leaving the house slamming the door .

Welp somebody's mad

"His gay ass gotta nerve to slam my door ,if you gay then you just is "my granddaddy said turning on the tv before going to nba youngboy.


"aye I fucks witcho granddaddy "Donkey said laughing while looking my way as I shook my head standing up .

"Aye Imma catch y'all later "Debo finally spoke up pulling up his sagging pants only for them to fall back down .I barely hear him talk quiet ass .


"Catch ya later "

"Fuck withcha later "

"See ya later "Sky said waving at him .

"Bye"I mumbled .even tho Ian know him I'm still nice and will talk .

"Aye the rest y'all bastards get out my house "My granddaddy said after Debo left .

"Wow you really is rude ."Donkey said standing up .

"I get that a lot,I'll catch y'all youngens later "he mumbled .

He acted pretty good towards them grouchy self .

𝗒𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗅𝗂𝗄𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗒 ?
𝖠𝗇𝖽 𝗐𝗁𝗈 𝗒𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗇𝗄 𝗌𝗁𝖾 𝗀𝗈𝗇𝖾 𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝗎𝗉 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 👀?
𝖵𝗈𝗍𝖾 & 𝖢𝗈𝗆𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 💋 .

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