"Oh it would be," El pressed her body teasingly against James' with a cocky grin rivalling his own.


El had to be awake before James for her mission, but James woke the second she removed herself from his arms.

"When are you leaving?" he asked, voice groggy with sleep.

"In ten minutes," she pulled off the shirt she slept in, searching for the one she was planning on wearing for the day.

James pulled himself to a sitting position at the end of the bed, watching her move around the room and pull a top over her head.

"When will you be back?"

El shrugged, "i dunno, depends how long it takes."

There had been several sightings of Death Eaters Antonin Dolohov and Walden Macnair in a thought to be abandoned house out in Canterbury, which they were sent to raid and capture any one present.

James pulled El towards him with his hands on the back of her thighs, so she was standing between his legs. He hugged her in that position, head nuzzled into her stomach.

"I'll be here when you get back, will your leg be fine?" James said, his words muffled by El's skin.

"It was never not fine," El massaged James' scalp before attempting to pull away, but his grip held her in place, "stop distracting me, i need to leave soon."

James made a groaning noise of complaint against the bottom of her sternum, but allowed her to walk away, now searching for a pair of trousers.

It only took El another five minutes and a splash of water on her face to be ready to leave, James staying in the same spot on the bed the entire time, just watching her.

He pulled her into another hug by the front door just before she left, along with a kiss to her hairline.

"See you later."


El, Morgan, Sirius and Marcus crouched behind a bush in front of the building. It looked like it was once a grand mansion, but was now swarmed with overgrown weeds, the windows were either broken or blocked in with newspaper, and the front door was hanging open off one hinge.

"So do we just walk in the front door?" Marcus whispered.

El shook her head, "If you wanna get killed, then yeh."

Morgan slapped El's arm lightly, "not helpful, El."

"Girls, you two go round the back, try find a back door or an open window or something, send up a red spark when you do, then we go in," Sirius instructed. Everyone nodded in agreement to his plan. "And Burke, try not to die, Prongs would kill me."

El gave him a mock salute. "I'll do my best."

"Later, Ladies," Marcus sent the two girls a wink, receiving a smack upside the head from Sirius.

Crawling, so as to not be seen, El and Morgan followed the hedge round the side of the building until they reached a rotten wooden gate, a few feet away from a back door which looked to be in worse condition than the front one. They both nodded to each other, followed by Morgan firing two red sparks straight into the sky.

The door opening with little difficultly, the two girls entered with their wands out in front of them. It was the kitchen that they had walked into, and it was empty, two doors led to different sections of the house, El silently pointed to Morgan, then one of the doors. Morgan nodded in understanding, walking through that door almost a second later. El walked through the other one, the house was near silent other than her own footsteps.

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