Suicide To Killer

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In 2017, Pandora had just started her junior year of high school, and she was once the popular girl in the school. She lost her mother in a horrifying car accident, but Pandora couldn't show emotions. At her mother's funeral, she had no sign of sadness. Her father and grandparents thought she was broken or didn't care about her mother. Pandora was forced to go to therapy; one year of therapy later, she tried to suicide and succeeded. A few weeks later, after her suicide, her body wasn't found. As her funeral took place, her father knew that she would suicide after they forced her into therapy. But that wasn't the end of the family as more people were dying and their bodies disappearing for unknown reasons. Pandora's father went to one of the scenes and gathered some evidence before the police forced him to leave the scene. He left the scene and began to study the evidence. Many days have passed, but he found nothing.

Once more, the death of a sixteen-year-old in the middle of the woods was found by some campers. Pandora's father knew that there was a killer on the loose, but something wasn't right. Weeks later, he went to the scene in the woods and searched the area where he found nothing, but he noticed something on a broken branch near to him, he picked up the branch and saw that there was dark red blood on it, but something didn't make sense to him because the blood was fresh. He went back to his car and opened an encyclopedia of Vampires and Werewolves. He reads through his phone about the Werewolves. It hit him that something was living in Salt Lake City.

Another year passed, and more teenagers went missing. They found in common with the teenagers that they were all fifteen to seventeen years old. Officer Hale was on the case of these teenagers, but he closed the case after he couldn't find anything.

Weeks passed after Officer Hale closed the case of the missing teenagers, many of the parents were angry that he closed the case, but Hale had his reasons. The mayor of Salt Lake City made a big announcement to put the whole city on safety precautions, meaning no person under the age of twenty-one can't leave the house. All of the schools closed and began online schooling. Seven months later, they found the killer of the teenagers. Sadly he killed more than there were missing. The police plus FBI counted the bodies he killed, and it was thirty-four teenagers.

The murderer was asked why he had done such a thing, and he responded that he killed for sport. The killer was sentenced to death for all of his crimes. After his death sentence, the schools were open, and the city went to its original roots.

Two months later, as it was the seventh of September of 2019, many students were upset about graduation that wasn't held in early June; the school moved the graduation to late September because of the safety precautions. But it wasn't the school's fault for their decision. Maybe it was for the best. Clarke was not the only student happy that graduation moved to late September. Clarke was in grade twelve with her friends Stiles, Alison, Lydia, and Nyx. Siles was officer Hale's son as his mother died from a brain disorder.

Alison was the daughter of Kane Ruth, an ordinary hunter; she lost her mother when she was at a dance club with her friends, so her mother had written a letter to let her know that she loved her and suffered from heavy depression. When she read the letter, she felt like a total failure to keep her mother alive. Nyx was Lydia's twin sister. They lived with their aunt near the school as their parents disappeared mysteriously. And lastly, Clarke was Mrs. Miller's daughter Mrs. Miller was the mayor of Salt lake city, and she was the one who put the town under safety precautions.
One thing that made Clarke special was that she had a special bond with her friends, and she drew the whole day in one picture, many say she could be an artist, but she still doesn't know what she wants to be.

When school came out, she walked her usual short route through the woods, but the woods were different at that time. It was darker than usual. She heard a little girl frantically nearby, and when Clarke saw the girl frantically crying, she walked closer, and the girl turned around to face Clarke; the girl's eyes bled out as she continued to cry. Clarke left the girl behind as she ran away.

Clark ran for a few minutes, but then she tripped and fell. She felt paralyzed as she couldn't move, then suddenly she felt a burning in her neck. She couldn't understand why she couldn't move or why her neck was in such pain. A few minutes had passed, and Clarke was out like a rock.

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