He was silent for a moment, still unmoving, before replying hesitantly, almost sheepishly, "You don't know that." Fae huffed, finally managing to shove Mando to the side and sit up.

"I think I do," She said, getting to her feet and beginning to run towards what she guessed was the correct direction to get to the ridge.

Mando was quick to follow her example, sitting himself up to say, "Fae! Where are you going?"

"I have no idea!"

"Then stop! You don't even have a blaster!"

Fae stopped and turned around, allowing Mando to release a sign of relief. But instead of walking back to him, like he has expected, she simply took out the blaster she had stole from him earlier in the day and waved it in the air pointedly.

And then she was off running again.


"Uh-oh. Looks like two of us have to walk!" Mando huffed, unceremoniously dropping Fennec to the ground with no warning, after the woman's comment.

"You're lucky dragging you isn't an option," He deadpanned, walking straight past the assassin, with Toro and Fae following after him.

Once Fae reached Mando's side, she discreetly attempted to grip onto his cape without either of them noticing — being stuck in the dark with both Fennec and Calican not at all settling the girl's nerves, so having the confirmation that Mando was stood so close did offer a form of comfort.

"How's this going to work, then?" She asked.

"Toro here is going to go find that dewback we saw-"

"Oh- hey- what?" Calican sputtered in disbelief, "And leave you here with my bounty and my ride? Yeah, I don't think so, Mando."

The Mandalorian sighed, silently turning himself to look out over the desert — Fae assuming he was using some form of heat detection in his helmet, for even someone with perfect eyesight can't easily see simply by moonlight.

"Okay," He said once he turned back to Calican, "I'll do it. Watch her, and don't let her get near the bike. She's no good to us dead."

Without waiting for a reply, Mando reached behind himself, grasping onto Fae's hand, and walking away from Toro with the teenage girl in tow. Fae only half noticed, too focused on the embarrassment of Mando knowing that she was secretly frightened due to the fact he knew she was clinging onto him like a pathetic child.


The girl jumped, "Oh, sorry, what did you say?"

"Why have you stopped walking?" He asked, pulling on her hand as if to properly make his point.  She frowned.

"I'm coming with you?"

Now it was his turn to frown. But, of course, Fae couldn't tell due to the helmet — although, even if he wasn't wearing it, Fae wasn't convinced she would be able to make out his face anyway.

"Well...yes, why wouldn't you? I'm hardly going to leave you with them," The moonlight reflecting off of his beskar shifted slightly, indicating he had jerked his head towards the two people he was referring to.

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